UFO's in our lives: believe or not

There are many things people want to believe. Some believe in magic, some in technology, but some in aliens and life on other planets. What do you think about UFO?


  1. I think somany people who see UFO.
    About the UFO twist on television and so many people.
    About merman
    Under mermaids understand the totality of all mentioned in folklore and in a variety of eyewitness reports of humanoid beings or spirits, leading water or semi-aquatic lifestyle. Mermaids are apparently almost no different from the people, and can be in the lower part of the body instead of the legs flat tail like a fish tail.
    There are so many vidios in Internet a You Tube. These videos were collected very much popularity and so many people watching it and believe in it.
    I think that just believing is not necessary at all but still some things of this truth.
    But all in our world is possible. And I believe in it too

  2. An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most General definition is the apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. The airplane-a flying saucer did in the United States in 1915-1916.But I don't believe in UFOs it seems to me that this is nonsense

  3. UFO is unidentified flying objects: no one knows exactly what it is. There are many stories about UFOs . Sometimes someone sees something unusual in the sky. Sometimes there are strange unknown signs on the ground. Is it a UFO?
    Everyone has an opinion about UFOs. I think if a person has a rich imagination , he clearly believes in UFOs.
    I am a realist person. I've never seen a UFO . But it seems to me that in space there are planets upon which live sentient beings. Perhaps their level of development much higher than ours. And maybe they sometimes come to us to say Hello from unknown galaxies.

  4. Unidentified flying object (UFO) — the observed object resembling a flying machine, which was not recognized by earthly observers.
    honestly in UFOs I don't believe,though no one knows is there on other planets life and if there is ,maybe they are still sometimes watching us .But if I never see a UFO it is impossible to argue that it exists or does not exist

  5. I think that UFOs exist. There are many witnesses of unexplained facts. Around the world, people see different flying objects. Esi people who claim that communicate with aliens. It is also difficult explained to the origin of the Egyptian pyramids. There is an assumption that they have created the alien visitors. Maybe in the near future we will be friends with other civilizations.


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