The biggest tragedy for mankind! Chernobyl then and now! Let's share our thoughts and griefs!

This was the human made disaster - do you agree with this statement? Give your proves for or against it...


  1. While living in the exclusion zone is not the best idea, radiation levels have dropped low enough for short visits to be safe. Chernobyl is an interesting destination for scientists and adventurous tourists now.The once-glorious city of engineers and scientists is in disarray, retaken by wildlife and crumbling from the ravages of time and neglect.Pripyat Ferris wheel stands as a testament to the tragedy. It was supposed to open on May 1. Some reports say city authorities launched it on April 26 to distract people from spreading rumors of the nuclear disaster.But now Ukraine is in disarray and is consumed with contemporary conflicts rather than radioactive legacies of Chernobyl.

  2. The 26th of April is a special day for the people living in Ukraine. One of the largest catastrophes occurred on this day. It was the explosion of one of the energy blocks at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine..
    Large areas of Ukraine were badly contaminated, resulting in the evacuation of more than 300,000 people.
    After the accident in Chernobyl, soil and forest areas were polluted with radioactive elements. Besides that, the health of the population was seriously damaged. The Chernobyl disaster is not the only result of human anti-natural activity but certainly one of the worst catastrophes in the world.

  3. Time seems to stand still in the zone of Chernobyl. is 30 kilometers from the nuclear power plant with barbed wire, an outer ring drawn around the site of the tragedy in 1986. Sadly affects the landscape. Chernobyl is now a piece of earth that is recovering from humanity. Unedited fields, deserted cities, abandoned houses. Animals return to their original areas and inhabit the abandoned wooden huts, concrete buildings and front porches. But it is not only animals that return. Every year thousands of tourists the area, it will find construction work on the infrastructure instead, researchers are studying the effects of the disaster on nature. Pripyat and Chernobyl are cities of death. In the 30-km zone several generations can no longer live. In April 1986, Chernobyl became known overnight. In the night of 25 April 26, an experiment was conducted at Unit 4 before shutdown of the reactor for maintenance. The reactor went out of control. Two explosions tore the concrete roof and fire broke out. The radioactive cloud contaminated Belarus, then the wind shifted in the direction of Poland, but on April 30 he blew south. However, the authorities were silent, although Kyiv was full of rumors. Then the people have been evacuated, but it was too late. The nuclear power plant itself was not until the year 1996, 10 years after the disaster, in operation. Today, large parts are still heavily contaminated. In the long term can damage the cell or lead with an even more radiation to death or severe disability. Sometimes have the radioactive substances that have contaminated the zone, thousands years long half-lives. Therefore, our great-grandchildren will not even be able to enter Chernobyl safe to begin cleanup or to think of rebuilding. Chernobyl is today and remains in the distant future, a death zone.

  4. The Chernobyl Disaster is considered to be the worst nuclear accident in the whole history of nuclear power.The Chernobyl disaster took away lives of thousands of people who have lived and worked there. And to my mind that disaster was caused by anti-natural activity and people, especially by their inattentiveness. Due to that oversight the explosion produced a plume of radioactive debris that affected different parts of the world, including Soviet Union, some parts of Europe, and even eastern USA. The largest areas of contamination were in Ukraine, Belarus and western Russia, and more than 300,000 people had to be evacuated and resettled. Even now it’s difficult to count the deaths caused by the Chernobyl disaster, as most of the deaths were the result of cancer, which people suffered much later after the radioactive explosion.

  5. Chornobyl Nuclear Accident
    The 26th of April is a special day for the people living in Ukraine and regions situated not far from it. On that day in 1986 a horrible accident occured at the Chornobyl nuclear station. There was a nuclear reactor explosion which had far reaching consequences.
    Contamination by various radioactive isotopes, such as caesium-137, iodine-131, strontium-90, plutonium-239, and plutonium-240, from the Chornobyl nuclear accident have affected the air, land, and water of Ukraine and vast areas beyond. Recorded but unreported radiation levels in Kyiv a few days after the accident exceeded the maximum allowable levels by a hundredfold.
    Press reports claim that, significant numbers of deaths by radiation sickness, elevated levels of stillbirth and birth defects and highly elevated rates of childhood leukemia have occured in the affected areas. Those concerns are being researched by a host of scientists and medical professionals from Ukraine and other countries.
    Recent detailed field studies indicate 'hat significant areas of agricultural and forest lands of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia will remain unsafe for human occupancy and food production for upwards of eight thousand years. Nevertheless, thousands of people who were evacuated after the accident have returned to live and farm in these highly contaminated regions. Thus, the Chornobyl region, in fact, has become something of a living laboratory for the study of nuclear contamination.
    A number of foreign countries offered specialized medical equipment and drugs for biological elimination of isotopes of different chemical elements from human body. Later on thousands of children were taken to other republics of the former USSR and abroad for corresponding medical treatment.
    Such accidents like that in Chornobyl must never be repeated again, because the very existence of millions of people may be under a threat. The safe maintenance of nuclear power stations depends on proper work and sufficient technical knowledge of every worker and engineer.
    The Ukrainian people are very greateful to all those who helped and continue to help them.
    And this link, on which you can read more about Chornobyl accident
    With love Liza Zablotskay

  6. April 6, 1986 at 01.23 there was the biggest technological catastrophe in human history - broke the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, reports UNN.
    The total radiation isotopes released into the air amounted to 50 million curies, in 30-40 times more than the bomb in Hiroshima in 1945.
    Only the next day, after Sweden in terms of radiation determined that the accident occurred in Ukraine, the Soviet government announced the Chernobyl tragedy. The explosion and fire fighting, which lasted about 10 days, 31 people died and 200 were hospitalized. According to unofficial statistics, Ukraine has died at least 15 thousand people have been affected by the accident at Chernobyl.
    A terrible accident led to radiation exposure of many people, water pollution and the environment. In Ukraine, formed the so-called 30-kilometer "exclusion zone", which were urgently evacuated residents to save their lives.
    In the "exclusion zone" coming professionals who vidryadzhaly to work at an emergency unit and around it, as well as military units. Later, these people were called "liquidators". They worked in shifts in the danger zone: those who scored the maximum dose of radiation, left, and in their place come the other - there were about 240 thousand people. The total number of liquidators over the years - about 600 thousand people.
    To prevent further release of radioactive materials to the end of the 1986 fourth reactor nuclear power plant was covered by a special "sarcophagus" at the hands of hundreds of thousands of volunteers and mobilized soldiers and Chernobyl nuclear power plant put into operation again. However, large fires and accidents in 1991 and 1996 led to the first stop of the second and then the first reactor. In 2000 he was stopped last 3 reactor, and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant completely stopped their work.
    April 26 is a day of remembrance of the greatest man-made disasters and commemorating the heroism of firefighters, operations personnel Chernobyl, military personnel, builders, scientists and physicians who participated in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident. Feat these people ever recorded in the annals of human courage, it will remain forever in the memory of the Ukrainian people.
    Note that the recent accident after the 9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami in Japan nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1" March 11, 2011 was the second largest after Chernobyl.

    And a link to a photo:

  7. Legend has it that the catastrophe he repeatedly foretold, and the blame for the explosion in the 4th block of ChNPP not to impose on anyone but fate.

    The earliest prophecy attributed to the Biblical times. In "the revelation of St. John the theologian" - the book of the Apocalypse it is written: "...and there fell from heaven a great star, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is wormwood; and the third part of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters because they became bitter. ". The fact that "wormwood" in Ukrainian would be "Chernobyl" .

  8. The Chernobyl disaster was man-made, eco-humanitarian disaster caused by the explosion and subsequent destruction of the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the night of 26 April 1986, located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR.The Chernobyl disaster has shown the true power of the peaceful atom. The world's largest nuclear disaster occurred because of imperfection of the reactor design, human error and gross violation of safety regulations.
    Liquidation of consequences of the accident lasted six months. More than 500 thousand people took part in the fight against the radioactive threat. Firefighters, doctors, miners, engineers, scientists, military and ordinary people selflessly doing their job. Common efforts it was possible to isolate the destroyed reactor and partly to clear the exclusion zone.
    But this victory came at a high price. All liquidators have received dangerous doses of radiation, 30 thousand of them have died, 200 thousand are disabled. All these people have serious health problems.Greenpeace and the international organization "Doctors against nuclear war" claim[35] that the accident only among the liquidators died tens of thousands of people in Europe recorded 10 000 cases of congenital abnormalities[en] in newborns, 10 000 cases of thyroid cancer and is expected to be 50 thousand. According to the organization Union "Chernobyl", of the 600 000 liquidators 10% died and 165 000 became disabled.

    The number of victims of the Chernobyl accident can only be determined approximately. In addition to the dead plant workers and firefighters, it is necessary to carry sick soldiers and civilians who took part in liquidation of consequences of the accident, and residents of areas affected by radioactive contamination. Determining how much of the disease was the result of an accident is a serious challenge for medicine and statistics. It is considered[30] that most fatalities associated with radiation exposure, was or will be caused cancer.

  9. The Chernobyl station is situated at the settlement of Pripyat, Ukraine, 18 km northwest of the city of Chernobyl, 16 km from the border of Ukraine and Belarus, and about 110 km north of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

    The station consisted of four reactors, each capable of producing 1 GW of electric power. Construction of the plant began in the 1970s, with reactor number 1 commissioned in 1977, followed by number 2 in 1978, number З in 1981, and number 4 in 1983. Two more reactors number 5 and number 6, also capable of producing 1 Gigawatt each were under construction at the time of the accident.

    The Chernobyl accident riveted international attention. Around the world, people read the story and were profoundly affected. As a result, «Chernobyl» has entered the public consciousness in a number of different ways and received worldwide media attention.

    The Chernobyl accident was clearly a major disaster in human history. Public awareness of the risks of nuclear power increased significantly. Organizations, both pro- and anti-nuclear, have made great efforts to sway public opinion.

    The Chernobyl accident also came to symbolize the crumbling state of the USSR in public perception, in particular a dangerous culture of incompetence and cover-up.

    On Saturday, April 26, 1986, at 1:23:58 a.m. local time, the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl power plant known as Chernobyl-4 suffered a catastrophic steam explosion that resulted in a fire, a series of additional explosions, and a nuclear meltdown.

    It is regarded as the worst nuclear accident in the history of nuclear power ever happened. It produced a plume of radioactive debris that drifted over parts of the western Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, UK, and even eastern USA.

    Large areas of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were badly contaminated, resulting in the evacuation and resettlement of more than 300,000 people. About 60% of the radioactive fallout landed in the neighbour republic Belarus.

    Even now it is difficult to accurately tally the number of deaths caused by the event at Chernobyl, as most of the expected deaths are from cancer, have not yet actually occurred, and are difficult to attribute specifically to the accident.

    The Chernobyl accident was not a unique event. Long before, in 1957 near Chelaybinsk-40, a small top-secret town, the first nuclear accident occurred involved the first serious nuclear contamination of vast territories. It was a nuclear explosion happened in a tank with nuclear wastes. In 30 years such tragedy repeated at Chernobyl.

    People hope that it was the last time because the third time might be the last one.

  10. Today, April 26, 2016, people still continue to die from the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Under the fourth power unit is still in the used radioactive fuel. According to experts, the radioactive isotopes of certain substances (eg, plutonium) will remain in the soil more than one hundred years. Eternal memory to the liquidators and victims of this man-made disaster.

  11. Chernobyl accident is a bigest and dumb accidend in the world.
    USSR authorities was can't make this accident more danger. Fausend of people die or take disease because power unit on station was bild too fast, enginers dont given value of danger situation when they testing a reactor 4t. USSR authorities was can avoid many casualties if thei inform people, or know what nead to do when ATOMIC POWER PLANT WAS EXPLOSED.

  12. April 26, 1986 the world witnessed the terrible catastrophe in the history of mankind, the consequences of which are still given to terrible echo. We have compiled a list of facts about the Chernobyl incident, which you may not know.

    1. The Chernobyl disaster was awarded 7 points out of 7 possible at the International School of Nuclear Events (INES), making it the largest man-made disaster of the time. It is worth noting that 7 points was awarded as the nuclear accident of Fukushima-1, Japan, in 2011, where he was an accident as a result of the earthquake.
    2. As a result of the Chernobyl accident were released 100 times more radiation than was the effect of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
    3. Nuclear rain was so far away that even went to Ireland.
    4. It is no secret that due to the Chernobyl accident, the Soviet Union, and now Russia and Ukraine had lost hundreds of billions of dollars.
    5. 800 thousand men risked their health to prevent the consequences of the accident and to stabilize the situation. They worked in the high-risk zone, exposing themselves to radiation. 25 thousand of them died, and more than 70 thousand became invalids.
    6. 20% of these deaths were suicides
    7. Greenpeace claims that the accident at Chernobyl was the cause of death from cancer about 90 thousand people worldwide.
    8. Some people have returned to their families in the affected area, to take advantage of the use of compensation from the state.
    9. There are plans to use the areas surrounding the reactor, for example, such as recycling and disposal of radioactive waste, as well as the creation of nature reserves.
    10. More than 5 million people live in areas that are considered "contaminated" by radioactive substances after the accident.
    11. The Chernobyl accident is recognized as the most serious and the worst nuclear accident in human history.
    12. Область попавшая в списки «загрязненных» стала одним из самых уникальных мировых заповедников с процветающей популяцией волков, оленей, бобров, орлов и других животных

  13. everyone knows that the April 26, 1986 exploded the atomic electrons in the Chernobyl station. Now Chernobl looks very scary. In Chernobyl, there is no single person. In Chernobyl much radiation. Now that would test any radiation at Chernobyl is required to wear a special suit and masku.Tool for measuring radiation dosimeter is called

  14. April 26, 1986 was a terrible accident in Chernobyl. After the accident , many people died. And everyone had to leave their homes forever. after the accident took 30 years.

    remaining memory of the accident because of the large amount of radiation began to grow plants mutants. has more cancer patients. many children have health problems from birth.
    at this point, mugwort very scary because there people live their .adzhe evacuated 30 years ago and said that they were going for 3 days but it was good.
    some people living in the territory tothis mooment Chernobyl receive a large amount of radiation. large dose of radiation is deadly P.SVeronika Danylevych

  15. At night of April 26 in 1986 one of the reactors of the power рlant suffered a catastrophic steam explosion that caused not only fire, but a series of additional explosions, followed nuclear meltdown. This explosion is considered to be the worst nuclear accident in the whole history of nuclear power. It immediately attracted the world media attention and affected people’s consciousness in all parts of our planet. The Chernobyl disaster took away lives of thousands of people who have lived and worked there. This explosion produced a plume of radioactive debris that affected different parts of the world, including Soviet Union, some parts of Europe, and even eastern USA. The largest areas of contamination were in Ukraine, Belarus and western Russia, and more than 300,000 people had to be evacuated and resettled. This catastrophe forced people to think over nuclear problems and possible consequences. Public awareness of these risks increased significantly. Even now it’s difficult to count the deaths caused by the Chernobyl disaster, as most of the deaths were the result of cancer, which people suffered much later after the radioactive explosion. The Chernobyl disaster is not the only result of human anti-natural activity but certainly one of the worst catastrophes in the world.

  16. April 26, 2011 the whole world remembers the terrible tragedy that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exactly a quarter of a century ago, a large-scale disaster, ruined the lives of many thousands of people. 10 facts about the Chernobyl accident and its consequences: global man-made disaster - the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986.). According to the International Nuclear Event Scale (the INES) she was awarded the seventh level (serious accident). Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was one of the five nuclear power plants in Ukraine, which, depending on the time of year, producing four to eight percent of all Ukrainian elektroenergii.Posle the Chernobyl accident The total release of radioactive materials was 50 million curie, which is equivalent to the effects of explosions 500 atomic bombs, dropped in 1945 on Hiroshima. To eliminate the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 600 thousand people were mobilized from all over the Soviet Union. At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant radiation exposure received almost 8400000. resident of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Around Chernobyl uninhabitable were 150,000 square kilometers. Seven million "Chernobyl" still receive compensation. Payment is carried out to its citizens Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Ukraine spends for this 5-7% of its social benefits, Belarus - 6.1%. People who have lost their health in the aftermath, receive various benefits. Until now, about 97% of the radioactive material of the 4th reactor Chernobyl is in a dilapidated sarcophagus. In order to build a new sarcophagus should be more than $ 2 billion. In 1988, composer Michael Tariverdiev amounted Symphony for Organ "Chernobyl" and 20 years later in 2008, Italian singer Adriano Celentano released a song "Sognando Chornobel» ( «I dream of Chernobyl»). Forbes magazine has recognized the zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant one of the " superekstravagantnyh tourist places to rest and see what is no longer anywhere in the world. "Chernobyl today. the protective sarcophagus erected after the accident, is in decline

  17. Since 1986 to 2006, the Fund worked within the International Organization "Union Chernobyl". New requirements to foundations and associations made in 2006, the registration of the Fund as an independent legal unit. International charitable Fund "Children-invalids of Chernobyl" is the successor of Children's Fund International organization "Union Chernobyl". The Foundation continues to help children affected by the Chernobyl disaster, the aged and other categories of children that require the attention and protection of society.
    For many years, the Fund helped the orphanage "rainbow", p Nove zalissya Borodyansky district. The collaboration with the Italian charity Association "Vita Chernobyl helped to purchase and donate a children's home appliance industrial production for cooking, wardrobes for clothes, TV, clothes. In addition, each year the Foundation donates funds for current expenses children's home.
    For children of Tripoli boarding school and Obukhov district orphanage "rainbow" were given sleds, food, sweets, and the like.
    In 2007, together with the German organization "Help to Chernobyl children". Munich redeveloped in the treatment complex "Carpathian Zori" in the city of Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region more than 100 children Ivankov, Polessky and Borodyanka districts. All costs, including payment vouchers took over the German side.
    Apart from that, in Germany, thanks to the Association "Help for Chernobyl children". Weimar ozdoravlivatj of a group of 40 children Ivankov and Polesie districts of Kyiv region.
    Every year during winter and summer vacations in Italy is resting more than 200 children affected by the Chernobyl disaster, including the orphans of Tripoli and Buchansky boarding schools.
    The members always take an active part in holding international conferences and events related to the topic of the Chernobyl disaster. The Foundation's President is a member of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on complex solution of Chernobyl problems and a member of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of labour and social policy on issues of social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl accident.
    This time 2 German, 6 Italian associations, continue cooperation with the Fund, the planned resumption of activities with the French charitable organization "Help to Chernobyl children", waiting for the next year of charitable aid from Cyprus.
    Humanitarian organizations of Austria, Italy, Cyprus, Germany, and France for many years cooperated with the Fund. The heads of foreign organizations were awarded with gratitude of the Chairman of Kyiv regional state administration, and President of the Foundation awarded the Honorary distinction of the Ministry of emergencies of Ukraine, the order of Princess Olga of III degree, the gratitude of Kyiv city mayor, the Chairman of Cherkasy regional state administration, with the gratitude of Chairman Ivano-Frankivsk regional state administration.
    The source of formation of funds of the Foundation is humanitarian aid from physical and legal entities, international associations of local governments. The Fund is a non-profit organization.
    During the existence of the Fund to be treated and restored to health in Ukraine 4.5 thousand children abroad more than 12 thousand Ukrainian children affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Also, with the assistance of the Fund abroad treated more than 30 Ukrainian children with cancer.

  18. Thank you all for your comments and thoughts, I'm sure that if we make conclusions we won't repeat mistakes of the history!


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