The BusyTeacher Team - ideas for teachers of English all over the world! I love them and their daily tips.
Don't Translate it!
When students ask for the meaning of  word or even outright ask for a translation, resist the urge to say the word in their native language. If you do, the meaning will be perfectly clear, but a better learning experience would be for them to hear the definition or a synonym in English. It works better towards expanding their vocabulary.

Use an App

Do you need to get your expenses in order? Do you have ideas for lessons and activities while you're on the bus to work? These days, there are apps that can simplify a lot of tasks and greatly enhance your efficiency. Try Toshl Finance to track your expenses or Evernote to instantly record any ideas you might have.

Get Them Out of Their Seats!

When you're met with glassy stares and one-word responses, this is an indication that you're losing their interest. One of the fastest ways to shake things up is to get them out of their seats. They don't have to dance or jump around. Have them sit on the floor in a circle. Or change seats to form smaller groups. Movement is a great way to get them to wake up!


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