Happy Easter ! Eggs, bunnies and ...let's compare traditions in Ukraine and the UK

You can add any ideas that pop up in your head about this holiday! Let's share your impressions with others!
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  1. Easter - the most important Orthodox holiday of Ukraine. It is a celebration of the Resurrection - Easter Ukrainian. This is the celebration of the whole point of Orthodoxy, God himself became man, died for the people, risen from the dead, freeing thus, people from the power of sin and death.According to tradition, returned home, the Orthodox sat down at the table. And despite the culinary diversity, began is always with Easter. It is the perfect place on the holiday table. Festive bread - Easter - is the symbol of the Lord's body, and the colored egg has always symbolized the Slavs the rebirth of new life. Decorated eggs - one more decoration of the festive Easter table, it is 'eggs', decorated in one or several colors, and 'Easter eggs', painted ornament, and 'skrobanky' - eggs, on which the pattern is applied with a sharp instrument. The main theme of painting have always been floral designs in combination with images of a Cockerel, the sun, churches and other.Easter celebrations in Ukraine lasts for 40 days. That's the number of days the Savior appeared to His disciples after his Resurrection. Throughout the 40 days every Orthodox is welcomed with the words "Christ is Risen"! and the answer is "he is risen Indeed"! On Easter week, people go to visit each other and children receive Easter cakes, colored eggs. There are a large number of Easter games. The most famous game in the chops when adults and children take Easter eggs and knock them one on another. Whose egg is broken, he loses.

    1. On easter i my mum father and sister go to the church and consecrated the pascha and eggs too whe consecrated meat.it whas 3 oclock at home when we go home. Then we sit and start eat it was so delihes.

      aleks gromov

  2. On easter my mother,father, brother and i was selebrated this day. On easter my grandmoter and my mother cooked many delishes food. Then all famali sit on the table and bit eggs. My father and i grilled meat, the meat was delishes. In Great Britan humans was selebrated easter make dicoration and go to the church.Написав учень 7-Б класа Карабінській Дмитро .

  3. Тhis year for Easter I went to Kiev to grandmother
    my grandmother loves to bake Easter cakes and she loves to experiment and this year she successfully experimented with the Easter cakesand on this Easter I and my mom and dad went to the exhibition of Easter eggs ,they are very beautiful , they were made children my age and adults
    it seems to me that this is our Ukrainian holiday like a British holiday

  4. My family celebrate Easter every year. We always with my mother cook different dishes bake cakes. My sister and I dye eggs in different colours. Making cake is a very interesting process, but it's not every year we bake cakes.Then at night we go to Church and celebrations cakes. On holiday we always come to our relatives. We celebrate Easter, eat cakes and meals.
    . In Ukraine people celebrate Easter . At night people go to Church and take the basket.Put in a basket Easter cake eggs meat bread salt and a lot of things. Then all the people go outside be around the Church and light candles. The priest is each and Hallows the basket and people with Holy water.Also visit their relatives and treat eggs and Easter cakes.
    In Britian children bought egg gifts for friends. This is chocolate eggs and Easter bunny. People go to the Church in morning on Easter Sunday. Painting egg and they sometimes go egg-rolling.

  5. My family celebrate Easter every year. I with my mother going holy Pascha to the church. Guests came to us and we relaxed fun, and then we all went for a walk in the park. We are very well celebrated Easter. We've got a lot of pleasant experiences.
    For Christians Easter Sunday is the high point of the year. They celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
    As in many other European and New World countries, eggs and rabbits (signs of fertility and new life) are traditional symbols of Easter in the British Isles. Chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs, often adorned in colorful foil wrappers, are given to children as presents or are hidden for the Easter morning "egg hunt."
    The tradition of decorating real eggs for Easter dates back to the Middle Ages. In 1290 the English king, Edward I, ordered 450 eggs to be covered in gold leaf to be given as Easter presents. It is thought that the bright hues used to decorate Easter eggs were meant to mirror the colors of the reawakening spring growth.
    Another British Easter custom is egg rolling or the egg race, when competitors try to be the first to roll their egg across a course or down a hill… without breaking it!
    Aside from eggs, the best-known English Easter food is probably the hot cross bun. Dating back to medieval times, the buns were traditionally eaten on Good Friday, but they are now popular all around the Easter season. These sweet treats, fragrant with fruit and spices, are marked with a cross, either slashed into the dough before baking, or drizzled on in icing afterwards. The history of hot cross buns dates far back to the pre-Christian era. It is thought that they are descendants of the small cakes offered to Eostre, the goddess of spring. They may have been marked with a cross even in ancient times, to represent the four quarters of the moon. In later centuries the church, unable to stamp out ancient pagan traditions, decided instead to "Christianize" the buns by associating the cross with that of Jesus.
    Easter Sunday in the British Isles is traditionally marked by church services, often held at dawn so that worshippers can view the sunrise, a symbol of Christ's resurrection. Afterwards Easter eggs are exchanged and eaten.
    Easter parades were also once an important tradition, during which people would wear their new clothes - the ladies in particular would show off their new "Easter bonnets" - as another sign of spring's renewal. Later the family would gather for Easter lunch or dinner, which in England traditionally consisted of roast spring lamb with mint sauce, potatoes and green peas. There was time to rest from the celebrations the next day, since Easter Monday is traditionally a holiday in Britain.

  6. Easter is the favourite holiday in my family, it’s a nice time to spend with relatives. In this year Easter Celebrations began on Saturday. I help my mother to bake Easter bread.Then my sister and I started to paint eggs. In the evening we went with the family to reconcile basket with food.
    Before the priest began reconcile food we setted and lighted a candle. The priest doused me with water, but I was not offended because it's tradition.

    In the morning we went to my grandmother and grandfather to congratulate them with this holiday. We washed holy water and consecrated egg. My grandma prepared the holiday table and invited us to have dinner. Then we played traditional Easter game with eggs, when one person beats other egg with the words “Christ is Risen”, and other person answers “He is Risen Indeed” and beats his egg. The winner of this game is whose egg is not broken. My sister wined in this game, her egg was the strongest.
    Englishmen present gifts to their friends, in return we give eggs, Easter bread and kiss each other three times. Also, we do not have the Easter bunny, which is traditionally for England. Englishmen hide eggs and their children seek Easter eggs, we don’t have such tradition.

  7. My favorite holiday is Easter. Usually, my family celebrates this: my grandmother bakes a cake, me and my sister painted eggs. At night we all go to church to sanctify our basket. The next day we all tastes sanctified products. So celebrate in Ukraine. In Britain traditions very different from our own. First, they do not taste real eggs and eat chocolate! It is to give parents and friends something chocolate (eggs). Second, go to church in the morning and not at night. Third adult hide chocolate eggs in the garden, saying that the bunny had lost their and happy children wanted them .For me, somewhat unusual traditions of Britain.

  8. Easter - a big celebration, which is celebrated in Ukraine and the UK. Our tradition similar, but have some differences. Consequently, Ukrainian and British have Easter holidays. The two countries go to church, but the Ukrainian night, and the British during the day. In our country, the usual eggs were used, and in Britain, chocolate eggs. In both countries it is considered a family holiday. Festive Easter dinner and hot cross buns we are in us. Also, in Britain are known game eggs-rolling, where British descend from above chocolate eggs and look at, who quickly descended. Also, in Britain is known symbol of the Easter Bunny.

  9. Easter is one of the greatest religious holidays which is celebrated in the spring. We all know about the traditions of celebrating this holiday in Ukraine. However, in the UK there are also many interesting traditions. For example, the symbols of Easter in the UK are cross, palm leaves and a chocolate eggs. In the middle of chocolate eggs are a variety of sweets. Children looking for Easter chocolate eggs around the house and garden. Also there is a Easter fun as riding eggs on the slopes. The winner is the one whose egg rolled longer than other players.
    Yes, it's very interesting.
    In our family we also have a little family traditions such as family gatherings near the fireplace, cooking Easter dishes in the oven , the championship of the family in beating eggs and others.

  10. Easter is a very important and popular holiday both in Britain and in Ukraine. In Britain, people celebrate this holiday almost the same as in Ukraine. This holiday a little different from the Ukrainian. Children in Britain are very forward this holiday, because on this day they can eat a lot of chocolate, but in Ukraine we eat simple eggs, not chocolate. In Ukraine, people go to church at night, and in the Britain during the day. In both countries it is considered a family holiday. Although, in my opinion in Ukraine is a family holiday than in Britain, because all visit their loved ones and spend all weekend together.In Ukraine there is no such game as in Britain, where Easter eggs rolled downhill.
    Ліза Зембицька

  11. Easter is the feast of Christ’s resurrection, which in its observance combines both pagan and Christian elements. It is the most cheerful holiday for orthodox believers.
    Ukrainian Easter is a historical combination of heathen and Christian traditions.
    Saturday evening people gather in the church for the Easter vigil till the very morning when priests bless the food believers broughtfter that people go home to celebrate Easter with their families. If they meet other people on the way they say: “Christ is risen!” and these people should reply “Risen indeed”
    Easter cake and painted eggs are the symbols of Ukrainian Easter and obligatory food on the table this day.
    During the Easter season in Ukraine the cult of the dead is observed.
    People gather in the cemeteries, bringing with them a dish containing some food and wine, which they consume, leaving the rest at the graves.
    But in Britain Easter is observed on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox
    Not only is Easter the end of the winter it is also the end of Lent, traditionally a time of fasting in the Christian calendar. It is therefore often a time of fun and celebration!
    Besides over Easter schools in the UK close for two weeks.
    Many of the symbols and traditions of Easter are connected with renewal, birth, good luck.
    Easter eggs are a very old tradition. Eggs are a symbol of spring and new life. Many children believe that the Easter bunnyor rabbit comes to their house or garden to hide eggs.
    Some businesses and attractions hold special Easter egg games. For example in the north of England they still carry out the custom of egg rolling. In other places another game is played. You hold an egg in the palm of the hand and bang against your opponent’s egg. The loser is the one whose egg breaks first.
    A traditional way of breaking the Lenten fast is to eat some Simnel cake.It is cake with marzipan covering and plenty of candied lemon peel and dried fruit.
    It's all.
    Thank you!

  12. In the evening before the day of Easter, I go with my family to the church to dedicate the food, then Dad cooks the meat and we sit down to dinner at the family table.
    The next day we say the traditional words, and then sit down to breakfast, and then go to the grandparents on a festive table
    I really liked the tradition among British families, when the Easter eggs hidden in the garden and children have their iskat.Vohmozhno, next year will offer a family fun
    On this day at the table, we wish you all health, happiness, really important and precious to me this day

  13. Easter in the UK.
    ♥Easter - a great holiday that love to celebrate in the UK. At that time. The school starts a 2-week vacation, at Spring Street and the sun shines brightly. Last Palm Sunday before Easter in England is called Palm Sunday. The last Friday before Easter is called Good Friday (Good Friday). All treat each other with delicious scones with raisins, decorated with a cross on top (hot cross buns). On Palm Sunday people give each other Easter eggs. However, unlike us, they give chocolate eggs filled with candy. Or you can give the other sweets or souvenirs in the form of Easter eggs. At Easter in the church services are held. Adopted new odezhdu- wear a symbol of the end of the bad weather and long-awaited spring offensive and a good sunny weather. At the service picks up with a basket of Easter (Easter baskets), in which the bread, eggs and other foods. This basket is left in the church. There is a tradition on Easter Monday to give the children in the street sweets and toys.

    Easter dinner

    At Easter we decided to gather the whole family together at the table. Cook lamb with vegetables, bake Easter cake, also prepare different salads and paint eggs.


    In some counties, there is a tradition to play football at Easter. Instead, use the ball a barrel filled with light beer. After the game, the beer is drunk.

    During the Easter dance the famous dance (Morris Dancing). The dancers are dressed in costumes of Robin Hood. They dance in churches, on the streets and elsewhere.

    There is a very fun tradition - On Easter Monday men wear women's hands, and on Easter Tuesday the contrary. Selected two strong men or women who crossed his hands, turned out something like a seat.

    Another very fun tradition. In the city of Olney held running with pancakes on the last day of Carnival. Participating mostly women, they run from the pan with a pancake, and throw it. The winner becomes the one who is the fastest to the finish line came and threw a pancake a certain number of times.

    Easter bunny

    It is believed that the rabbit hides Easter eggs to the kids then they were looking for. Also, the Easter bunny symbolizes fertility. So in England during Easter on store shelves, you can see a lot of gifts in the form of a rabbit.

    As we can see, a lot of fun in England celebrate Easter! ♥♥♥

  14. Today I want to tell you how my family and I celebrated Easter. For my family Easter is very important holiday that is why we preparation so well.
    There is a Good Friday. It’s the day when my mam bake Easter bread called “paska”. On Saturday I and my brothers dye Easter eggs, which are called “pysankas”. At night my parents and I went to the church and sainted basket witch we preparation in the evening. At usual we put to the basket paska, pysankas bananas and other fruits, meat, knife and salt.
    Every year we celebrated Easter at the our recreation center,
    but this year the weather forecast said it would be rain that is why we decided to celebrate it at home.
    Easter is the favourite holiday in my family, it’s a nice time to spend with relatives.
    With love Liza Zablotska

  15. I really like Easter. Every year my family and relatives go to my grandma and celebrate Easter. We eat pascha,beat eggs and have fun.Also this Saturday my family and I went to the church to reconcile Easter basket.That's Ukrainian tradition.
    Easter in UK.
    In UK the symbols of Easter are:Easter,bunny chocolate eggs and palm leaves.By the legend the Easter Bunny comes before Easter and brings chocolate eggs with sweets to the gardens around the houses.Also English people eat cross buns though all Easter season. These small, lightly sweet yeast buns contain raisins or currants and sometimes chopped candied fruit.

  16. Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year. Easter is the day when Jesus Christ resurrected. Usually this holiday is celebrated on one of Sundays in spring. Easter eggs and Easter cakes (or paskhas) are the traditional symbols of the religious holiday. Paskha is a traditional dessert served in Russia as well as other Eastern European countries. The name of the dish comes from “Pascha“, the eastern orthodox celebration of Easter.
    We celebrate it every year.Usually we go to church and listen to the solemn ceremony on Saturday.Then we invite all our family and celebrate together.
    Irene Lukianova

  17. I celebrated Easter 4 days. At first I decorated eggs.At second I played a Paint boll.At third day I went to the film :《 miracles from heaven》. In my family there is a tradition that on Easter morning, we're going have brakfast together.

  18. Celebration of Easter in Ukraine and in the UK are not similar
    Unlike the British, we don`t buy Easter eggs and chocolate bunny.
    We don't celebrate Easter in school with friends.
    Also we don't coloring eggs felt-tip pens.
    Cross buns different from ours form and appearance.
    British go to church in Sunday morning but we go to church on Saturday to night.
    Another difference is that ukrainian children don't find chocolate Easter eggs in the garden.
    Joint in the celebration of Easter in our countries it is his occasion , namely the resurrection of Jesus.

  19. Matvii Shcherback 7-V =]
    I very like celebreat Easter with my family.My mother cooked paskha and we go to church to reconcile it.My sister live in Israel and she visit me on paskha.I ,my brother and my sister paint eggs.Then we competiong who has stronger egg.Paskha in this year turned very delicios.That is how to celebread Easter in my famili.In Ukraine.

  20. Hy, my name is Vlad.Today I want to tell you about how I spend my Easter day.
    I celebrated Easter with my grand parents,mam and my sister.
    At first day I went to my grand parents. They live in Korosten,so we rode to him on car.We celebrated with big family.We ate tasty food,ate cake and sweets.I with my saster rode a bike.At the and we visited my dead family.
    At second day I all day played football and table tennis with my friend.
    The third day was be realy interesting,because I with my best friend Sasha.We went to roof.We take dumbbell and throwed dumbbell.It was realy cool.But this is not finish.We went to old build.On him we went to roof.It was be realy fantastic days.

  21. Easter ... This is very important as the feast of the world, and the fact my family this day is magnificent as it was then resurrected Jesus Christ - God and our patron.
    On the territory of Ukraine celebrate Easter as the resurrection of Christ began in the late Peresh millennium, with the advent of Christianity and celebrated today. Each family celebrates this day in different ways. Odnya families gather together and eat holy food as the other usual day just sitting and watching TV.
    Especially my family, I celebrated Easter in Kyev.At night all of us went to church and blessed Easter, Easter eggs and other foods .after a little rest then mom and dad
    call their friends and family and organize a picnic. I like it a lot because then I welcome you to their friends, brothers and sisters of this wonderful holiday with them and hrayusya amused. The whole day was very cool. I am big-prvelykym pleased to say that it was Easter - it's my favorite holiday, which unites us and brings.

    With love Karina♥

  22. Богдана
    Easter - is one bright day of my life.For Easter my family prepar carefully.Early in the morning the all family go shopping.For Easter my family prepares carefull. Each family member preparing a dish. For example. Dad baked sausage, mother bakе casserole and brother and I decorate eggs. Аt night all the family go to church to sanctify Easter basket. Тhe day of our big family get for the holiday table.
    That's how I celebrate Easter

  23. Настюша Аврамець
    Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays.
    Preparation for Easter starts seven weeks before the actual holiday. It’s called the advent of Lent. Many people don’t eat meat and animal products during this period. The week before Easter is quite busy because people start preparing for the holiday. Thursday before Easter is called Clean Thursday. Traditionally people should bathe before on this day. Houses and flats should be cleaned too. There is also a Good Friday. It’s the day when women bake Easter bread called “paska” . On Saturday children dye Easter eggs, which are called “pysankas”. In the evening people go to church all night. Sunday is the actual day of Easter. People visit each other on this day and exchange colourful “pysankas”. In English-speaking countries the official symbol of this holiday is Easter bunny. Children this day because they get lots of chocolate and fluffy bunnies as a present.

  24. OH EASTER !!!it is my favorite holiday after my birthday. I especially like the preparation for the holiday. because our family we try to keep all the old traditions. Of course, same Easter without Easter not Easter and painted eggs and and Easter eggs . Every year, we 're going to my grandmother . there we are preparing for the holiday. first until I sleep with my mother 's grandmother made ​​a very important task in the morning prescription
    my grandmother .After when I wake up then go kindle fire in the furnace that's it for me is the tradition. I also love to use natural decorations for easter pie I make jewelry from my mother with salt dough. we make various roses pigtails letters and more. we put the cakes in the oven and how the traditions need not to go and not to go the first few minutes after Easter set. also near dough can not even think bad. Dad we love to paint Easter eggs we are looking for good leaves and honey to strengthen their eggs put in fabric paint in the bow. obtained very good eggs with leaf pattern. Then we bake the meat. We also removed. in the evening with my grandmother I go to church and go with all familli morning and Easter holidays arrive lay the table eat of fun and play with chops .a then go to bed ...

  25. I spent my holiday with family.I with my mom cooked Easter cakes and Sent breakfast.Holy our food we come to small church which located acriss the road. Sacredness gone good.after the sprinkled water on me . mood lifted my

  26. I really like Easter. Every year my family and relatives go to my grandma and celebrate Easter. We eat pascha,beat eggs and have fun.Also this Saturday my family and I went to the church to reconcile Easter basket.That's Ukrainian tradition.
    Easter in UK.
    In UK the symbols of Easter are:Easter,bunny chocolate eggs and palm leaves.By the legend the Easter Bunny comes before Easter and brings chocolate eggs with sweets to the gardens around the houses.Also English people eat cross buns though all Easter season. These small, lightly sweet yeast buns contain raisins or currants and sometimes chopped candied fruit.

  27. Easter holidays are just beginning spring flower nature. It is a celebration of my mother bakes cakes and Easter eggs beauty.

    I like to watch as a holiday and comes as baked cakes.

    Bake cakes in net Thursday. The apartment is ought to be removed. For Easter required ingredients such as flour, butter, eggs, raisins, vanilla.

    Good, good cake - the pride of the mistress. There is a sign: nice cake for a good year.

    First, knead the dough should be, and careful not to vtyklo. Until belt fits under my mother prepares pastries round sheet.

    When the dough has spread it well suited to form differently I like decorating cakes, so for example, raisins, colored millet and beaten with sugar protein. Eat cake can only Sunday after sanctify it.

  28. Hiding during the procession to the church, behind the altar, it was possible to observe how the dead Christ and pray together. They believed, however, that the person that issued its presence in the church, he could pay for it with his life.

    After matins people tried as quickly as possible to get (to run or drive) home to for a year ahead of the rest in all cases. However, often, without going home, heading to the cemetery to notify the deceased relatives of the Resurrection of Christ, and we exchanged Easter greetings with them.

    Easter breakfast is held usually in a narrow family circle, as walk-in guests on the first day of Easter was not accepted. The first egg is often eaten as a family, dividing it by the number of households. The custom to share with each other the Passover meal was in the eastern Slavs widespread; in particular, on the first day of Easter, the priest, and clergy, as well as households' Pascu prayed, "that is exchanged pieces of cake and ate it together, cut into small pieces. The custom of sharing with others the Easter egg was symbolic interpretation: for example, to find his way home the man lost in the woods was enough to remember, with whom he shared an Easter egg.

    Many magical properties attributed to the blessing of Easter eggs, their shells, as well as the remains of other Easter dishes such as suckling pig bones. Easter egg avoided building caught fire, or throwing an egg into the fire, hoping that it will help stop the fire; with Easter eggs looking for straying cattle, they put them in seed corn, oglazhivaet of cow pasture in the first spring, buried in the field that have linen head was the size of an egg; pig bones also buried in the crops to protect them from hail.

    Throughout the week, starting with the first day of Passover, the priests, accompanied by the clergy and the most devout parishioners avoided with icons of all the houses in the village and there were Easter prayers, for which they received remuneration.

    On the evening of Easter Sunday to go home a group of men called "volochebniki" or "hristovanniki" which congratulated the hosts on the holiday. They performed under the windows of the special Cheering-congratulatory song, describing the economic activity of the peasant and his wealth; and the chorus of the songs include traditional Easter greeting: "Christ is risen, son of God!". Poles at Easter bypassed home, wearing or carrying with them live or wooden rooster as a symbol of the risen Christ.

    The Western Slavs in the Easter week practiced mass youth perfusion. Monday was the day the male (boys, boys, men and women poured girls) and Tuesday - female. The guy tried to pour his favorite girl, in response, with the consent, she gave him painted eggs or other gifts were presented by. During Easter douches detect and public assessment of the behavior of a girl: it was considered shameful if it is not poured on Easter Monday, thereby condemning of cheeky behavior or other transgressions.

    Among the Easter entertainment principal place occupied playing with colored eggs, primarily - egg rolling on the ground or on special trays, as well as "chops" - beating colored eggs.

  29. I like Easter, because the whole family gets together at a big table. I spend this holiday with his family. I help my mom cook Easter cakes, decorate eggs. At night we go to church. And then we begin to celebrate and congratulate each other.

  30. Easter is the great Christian holiday. What everyone celebrates. We celebrate Easter with his family since. in the morning the whole family going at the table. and three are talking to each other, "Christ is risen" "Indeed He is risen." For he is risen indeed. Also mom to bake big beautiful Easter cakes. I crash eggs and decorate them. I like to celebrate Easter


  31. Easter
    Easter in Ukraine is celebrated a little differently. we do not eat chocolate eggs, and in England eat. And we do not have the Easter bunny. but in some ways we are similar. for example in Ukraine, and England declare eggs, we all go to the church, developing eggs, egg on the egg. In Ukraine, the festival itself is held in a different way. In the morning it is necessary to eat something dedicated and baptized. Then the whole family begins to eat breakfast. The Easter breakfast especially saturated than on ordinary days. In the course of the day can not be washed, clean the apartment, wash and sew. But we, Ukrainians, even though it is very like to celebrate Easter.


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