Born to remember - why we shouldn't forget the lessons of history!

Whatever definitions we give to historic events we shouldn't forget that if people sacrifice their lives to something it shouldn't be in vain - have to appreciate and remember them and their deeds - that's why we are called humans, or not?


  1. Poppy Day- is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty.May 9, victory day. .In Germany my great-grandmother worked in a wealthy wealthy.My great-grandmother was taken to a concentration camp in Germany.Subsequently there my grandmother was born. My grandmother lived there for 9 months from birth.And so every year my family go to my grandmother in the village always on the may 9 parade..Grandmother always give flowers and candy

  2. On this significant day we congratulate veterans, defenders of the Fatherland and thank them for the feat! We extend to you our deepest respect. Our congratulations on Victory Day to all people concerned!
    May 9 9 мая
    Everyone needs a rest after hard work and public holidays are simply perfect for that. There are several holidays in spring and one of them is May 9, known in Russia as Victory Day. Since its appearance this holiday has always been grandiosely celebrated. May 9th has a long history. Almost seventy years ago Germany surrendered to the Soviet Union. On this day the Great Patriotic Was in Russia came to an end. More than twenty-five million people died during four years. It goes without saying that the end of this fighting saved many more other lives. That’s why this day is so important for the nation. It is especially cherished by the war veterans. Some of them are still alive. Although they are rather old nowadays, they still eagerly participate in all celebratory events connected with the Victory Day. On this day adults don’t work and children can skip the school. In many large cities local authorities organize military parades and fireworks. Veterans are highly regarded on this day. Younger generation prepares all sorts of performances for them, gives them flowers, postcards and lots of attention. Sometimes they receive honors and valuable presents from the mayor of the city. One of the symbols of this holiday is the Ribbon of Saint George. You can see people in street wearing it. It’s featured even on the cars. Traditionally, concerts and other events are held in the central square or park. Those, who stay at home, watch old Soviet films about the Great Patriotic Wars. Thus, they commemorate soldiers who lost their lives in that cruel war. Those, who bravely fought but survived, were all given Red Star medals.
    They're coming soldiers traveling with the war,
    Victory Day, the Spring Festival,
    And over Moscow, and over the earth dawn.
    They're coming soldiers go home,
    Sun Win over your head,
    Sun and holiday above, which are not.

    CHORUS: Lilac smoke orchestra copper.
    From happiness to die for.
    And my bow to you to the earth.
    For the fact that you have come home.
    For the sky and grass,
    For what on earth live.
    And God knows, and God knows,
    I did not come here could not.
    winning the Sun, live forever, -1: 47
    Celebration of Hope, the holiday of love.
    Together with the people of this and I'm standing.
    (- Modulation -)
    I am close to you in this order,
    I weep with happiness sing songs,
    And me-nots under the feet of your stele.

    -Pripev- -proigrysh -

    And my bow you down to the ground - 3:20 - 21.
    For the fact that you have come home.
    And God knows, and God knows,
    I do not come, (beat) here could not,
    I did not come (pause) here could not,
    It could not

  3. Remembrance Day (sometimes known as Poppy Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Following a tradition inaugurated by King George 5 in 1919. The day is also marked by war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance day is observed on 11 November is most countries to recall the end of kostilies of World War on that date in 1918.

  4. May Ninth celebrate Victory Day. It is a day of victory over Nazi Germany. My great-grandfather was a veteran of World War II. He went to war in nineteen years. Grandpa was wounded and came to Berlin together with the Soviet troops. It was a special treat for him. He died six years ago, but we continue to momnit his exploits.

  5. Victory Day[a 1] is a holiday that commemorates the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union at the end ofSecond World War, known in the Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War. It was first inaugurated in the 16[1] republics of the Soviet Union, following the signing of the surrender document late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (after midnight, thus on 9 May Moscow Time). The Soviet government announced the victory early on 9 May after the signing ceremony in Berlin.[2] Though the official inauguration occurred in 1945 the holiday became a non-labour day only in 1965 and only in certain Soviet republics.In East Germany, 8 May was observed as "Liberation Day" from 1950 to 1966, and was celebrated again on the 40th anniversary in 1985. In 1975, a Soviet-style "Victory Day" was celebrated on 9 May. Since 2002, the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommernhas observed a commemoration day known as the "Day of Liberation from National Socialism, and the End of the Second World War".[3]After regaining their independence from the Soviet Union, the Baltic countries now commemorate the end of World War II on 8 May, the Victory in Europe Day.[4]

    Aleks Gromov


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