A personal profile

 Write 6-8 sentences about:
1) personal details: name, age, family, town, character...
2) activities during the week: school work, after school activities;
3) weekend activities: hobbies and free time activities


  1. It's me!
    My name's Masha. I'm 12 and I live in Ukraine with my parents and older brother. I'm funny, energetic, talkative, adventurous and friendly.
    This year I've got competition, so I'm studying a lot. I'm going to a dance school and I have lessons on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.
    At the weekend, I usually do my homework, but sometimes I meet with my friends. We love listening to music or dancing. Usually I'm hardly ever bored. Нестеровська Марія

  2. My name is Veronika. I am 12 years old, I live in Zhytomyr. I am sometimes energetic and sometimes lazy. I study in the 7th grade. I like to draw, listen to music and play volleyball in physical education. I meet my friends at the weekend. we often go out in the global there are videos, movies and much more. I don't like mathematics, physics and chemistry, I don't understand these subjects

    1. I'm Matvii, I like to draw, listen to music, sometimes compose poems or stories. Sometimes I spend my free time outside when possible, but usually I stay at home.

  3. Hi! My name is Max, I am 13. I live in a beautiful city named Zhytomyr. I am talkative, energetic and really lazy. I dont like school, I guess nobody does but there are some interesting subjects like chemistry biology and geography. I study in liceum №27 but the next year if I pass the entrance exams i will go to the liceum №1. I like sports but now I had some problems with my vessels so I cant do any sports. In my free time I like playing computer games with my friends or go for a walk.
    Мазурчук Максим


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