Happy Mother's Day! Let's say thanks to our mothers and congratulate them on the occasion!


  1. Mother's Day - a wonderful holiday. The first word of the person - mother. Every child in the world at least once a day, says the word. It is understood for all countries, and it sounds almost the same in most languages.
    Nothing is happier than the moment when the mother smiles. And even when she is angry - man closer not exist. Materi give us life. They protect us from the first moment of our existence. And no one understands us better than mom. She is always there, always will. It prepares the best dishes and gives the wisest advice. She is proud of our accomplishments and worried ,when we were not home. She loves us above all and more.
    My mother taught us the most important human qualities - kindness, honesty, decency and humanity.
    I guess everyone says that her mom is the best. For each person his own mother is the best. This festival allows us to say thank her for all she does for us.

  2. In May, a lot of holidays.And one of them is Mother's Day. In my family decided to give my mother and grandmothers spring flowers, and in the evening we have dinner at the table where all greet their mothers.Not only Ukraine celebrated this day. Each country has its own date of this holiday. Such as Britain celebrates on March 22.In England decided to give mothers a cake decorated with 12 balloons symbolizing signs of the zodiac.In Lithuania this day there are solemn worship.In Germany, the mothers give flowers, small gifts, trinkets pleasant, unexpected surprise. Although the main prize - a attention. Adult children visited the homes of parents and thus they say: "We have not forgotten and we all thank you."
    Do not forget to congratulate their mothers!!!

  3. Today I want to write this review for my mom.

    My dear Mom! Happy Mother’s Day! I'm not the best son but I love you more than anyone in the world. You are the most patient, the kindest and the most beautiful for me. You're my best friend. It's because of you I like this world around. I'm very lucky to have such mom who always keeps me in a good mood, helps me to be who I am.
    I wish you health, happiness, and a smile that will always shine on your face! Thank you for everything!
    Your son Artem

  4. Do I celebrate Mother's Day? It’s a stupid question. How do you think, does the son who loves his mother congratulate her?

    I'll tell you how celebrate Mother's Day in my family. My sister makes postcard, she is master in this. Dad goes for bouquets and selects them as a true gardener. Not surprising that our mother deserves the best. You ask what I do. So it obviously I continue the tradition of Britons, every year I give my mother cake with 12 balls martsepany. Then we become a family circle and in turn give Mom gifts.

  5. There is a nice day every yearWhen all people buy a bunch,Then they whisper in mum's ear,"Mother, thank you very much!Thanks for your tremendous care,Thanks for your unselfish love,Thanks for your enormous shareOf the kindness, dear dove".A lot of people in the worldCelebrate this Mother's Day.It is an official date,That's the major thing to say.You can present her a posy,You can bake her favourite cake,You should make this day as cozyAs she’s made your life. Don't wait!And if she’s smiled, or if she’s laughed.,Know, you've made a pleasant thing:You have shown your pure love.And your warm relationship.  

  6. May is a month rich in holidays, lush and the most beautiful time of spring. And one of the may holidays in Ukraine is just, but for each of us. Every person who lives and walks the earth. It is a holiday – mother's Day, which is celebrated in our country on the second Sunday of may.

    Mother is the person, the examples of which we learn faithfulness, gentleness, and love for family, respect and courtesy to others. The girl often takes over from her mother all her habits, skills, and the boy learns from mom's most important life rules you need to know any good man. This respect for elders and the protection of the weak, and the special treatment of women, and more that he will carry through his entire life. They say that even the wives of most men are choosing similar to their moms.

    In my family respect this holiday because we should do something to thank our mothers for all that they have done for us.My dad gets up early in the morning and goes to the flower shop and buy there a bouquet of mom's favorite flowers-white roses .Then when my mom woke her wait for this gift and a delicious Breakfast.Then we have our entire seven*a family go to walk in Park or some beautiful place.To my opinion the mother is pleased with this day.they are performed with family and her people who love her very much

  7. Богдана
    Dear mother .
    Today in Ukraine celebrate the Day mothet.So I want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday.
    Maybe Taras and I do not always listen you ,do not always help you. But you know that we love you.😘😘
    You gave us life. You gave us the opportunity to live in this world. Gave me the opportunity to experience the world from all sides, meet friends.
    You are beautiful ,intelligent, fragil. I can no longer do you wish . Because you are the best !!!
    Mother live forever!!!!

  8. Mother is the first word in each life. Moms give life for us. There is probably no country where people do not celebrate Mother's Day. Mom is the first word of each baby. Mother is the most important for all of us. From early childhood, she helps us, feeds, dresses, walks with us. Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries of the world at different time.
    Today it celebrate in Ukraine . And I want to congratulate my mam . My dear mom, you are my best friend in this life. You are always in my mind and heart. I can talk with you about everything in this world and you can always understand my problems. I want to say thanks for your tremendous care, for your love and for lots of the kindness. Sometimes we can argue although I must hold my tongue. But mom, you should know your child loves you so. And, my dear mom, I want to say you that I love you so much.

    You filled my days with rainbow lights,
    Fairytales and sweet dream nights,
    A kiss to wipe away my tears,
    Gingerbread to ease my fears.
    You gave the gift of life to me
    And then in love, you set me free.
    I thank you for your tender care,
    For deep warm hugs and being there.
    I hope that when you think of me
    A part of you
    You'll always see.

    With love your daughter

  9. Today, Mother's Day is celebrated in over 40 countries around the world! The exact date and the manner of observance may vary in each country, but the purpose of honoring mothers and motherhood remains unaltered.
    In the United Kingdom, Mother's Day is better known as "Mothering Sunday", a name that is drawn from a similarly called 17th century occassion which had people working away from their native place returning home to visit their home or "mother" church once a year. A beautiful tradition called 'amothering' as later associated to this occassion that had people bringing special cakes for their mothers on this day as a gift. With time, "Mothering Sunday" has come to be known as "Mother's Day" even though it is still more widely called by its former name. Following the Industrial Revolution, the occassion saw a decline in its popularity but regained its former charm after World War II. Today, "Mother's Day" is observed on the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent and is dedicated to all mothers in the U.K. The day is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm. The celebrations here echo that of the American one with people gifting flowers, gifts, greeting cards, food items and other little treats to their mothers. Roses, carnations and chrysanthemums qualify as the most popular flowers on Mothers Day in Great Britain. The tradition of gifting cakes is still widely observed with most people making a rich almond cake on this day for their mother, known as the ‘Mothering Cake’ or 'Simnel Cake'. It is regarded as a time to show mother how special she is in the life of her children and showing appreciation for her numerous sacrifices for her kids.

  10. Mother's Day comes on the second Sunday in May.Mother is the first word in each life.
    Mother is the most important for all of us.From early childhood, she helps us, feeds, dresses, walks with us.From early childhood, she helps us, feeds, dresses, walks with us.Mother can always understand and help in a difficult situation. One only needs to appreciate, love, help and respect her!According to some sources, the tradition to celebrate Mother's Day dates back to ancient Rome, women's mysteries, intended to honor the Great Mother — the goddess, mother of all Gods.. We also know that in England of the XV-th century the so-called "Mothering Sunday" was noted — the fourth Sunday of Lent, was dedicated to honor all mothers across the country.So the holiday has become a kind of church one.Most mothers like to celebrate the day with family reunions. Many people send their mothers a card or a gift. Some people take their mothers to a restaurant for dinner. It is a custom to wear a red or pink flower if one's mother is living. It is the custom to wear a white flower if one's mother is dead.

  11. This week we will celebrate Mother's Day. This is a special holiday for me. I try to do something nice for his mother. I am preparing breakfast or bake a cake with his hands. I like to surprise my mother on that day because I love her. I am grateful to her for the daily care and love for me. I have the best mom in the world.

  12. Today, Mother's Day is celebrated in over 40 countries around the world.Mom gave us life. For a mom to care, to help her, to love. Today is mother's day and I want to make a gift for mom.I will give the flowers a good mood and tell her I love her. Its mother should be appreciated because my mother is our life. I have the best mom in the world.

  13. Mother's day in Ukraine
    In many countries of the world celebrate mother's Day on may 13. In Ukraine this day is celebrated on the second Sunday of may according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 10 may 1999 No. 489/99.
    The holiday history is as follows: in 1908 a young American woman, Anna Jervis from Philadelphia took the initiative of honoring mothers in the memory of his mother, who died prematurely. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, legislative bodies, eminent persons with a proposal one day a year devoted to honoring mothers.
    Her efforts were crowned with success - in 1910 Virginia first recognized Mother's Day as an official holiday. Although in fact it is - the holiday of eternity: from generation to generation for each mother, the most important person for their children.
    Of course, mother's Day is one of the most moving holidays because each of us from childhood to his last days carries in his soul the only and unique image - the image of her mother, who will understand, forgive, regret, and always will be selflessly loving no matter what.
    The happiness and beauty of motherhood in all ages sung by the best artists and poets. It is no coincidence - how revered in the state a woman raising children, it is possible to determine the degree of culture and well-being of society. Happy children grow up in friendly family and under the care of a happy mother.
    On this day, we heartily congratulate the dear mothers with their holiday. Let the light and good echo in the hearts of your children endless care, patience, love and devotion.
    In 2016 mother's Day in Ukraine falls on may 8.
    we all love our mom so we need to thank them for their love and trust for all that they do to us they are our most important people in my life

  14. Mother's Day - international and local holiday. Ukraine has officially celebrated every year since 2000, the second Sunday of May. For me it is a very important holiday. On this day my family and I go for a walk through the forest or the park. I think it is family day and it should be carried out together with the family. I and my sister together make a gift for mom and give her lots of flowers. Usually prepare a delicious dinner and relax with your family.Mom loves when we do something with their hands, as a present for her we do not buy.
    Ліза Зембицька

    There are many holidays in our country, the 8th of March is one of them. It is a happy and nice holiday. It is a good tradition in our country to give presents and flowers to women on this day. Each family celebrates this spring holiday. In the morning men go to the shops or markets to buy some flowers. They try to clean flats and help women to cook a holiday dinner.
    Sons and daughters help their mothers too: they make a cake, lay the table and wash dishes after holiday dinner. All the members of the families try to be well dressed on this day.
    Some families celebrate the 8th of March going to the theatres and concerts. They buy tickets beforehand. Others prefer to invite guests and stay at home.
    There is almost the same holiday in England. It is called Mothers" Day and celebrated also in spring. Sons and daughters come and give gifts to their mothers on this day. If it is not possible to see a mother, one can send presents and cards to her. Flowers and cakes are the traditional gifts for all mothers in England. All women try to be nice and happy on this day.
    I Love You Mom!
    I Love You Mom! (Я люблю тебя, Мама!)
    Mom's smiles can brighten any moment, (Мамина улыбка может украсить любой момент,)
    Mom's hugs put joy in all our days, (Мамины объятья приносят радость в наши дни,)
    Mom's love will stay with us forever (Мамина любовь остается с нами всегда)
    and touch our lives in precious ways... (и касается нашей жизни разнообразно...)
    The values you've taught, (То чему ты научила,)
    the care you've given, (забота, что ты давала,)
    and the wonderful love you've shown, (и чудесная любовь, что ты проявила,)
    have enriched my life (обогатила мою жизнь)

    in more ways than I can count. (больше чем я могу сосчитать.)
    I Love you Mom! (Я люблю тебя, Мама!)

    Wonderful mother
    Wonderful Mother (Замечательная мама)

    The heart of a home is a mother (Сердце дома - мама)
    Whose love is warm and true, (Чья любовь тепла и правдива,)
    And home has always been "sweet home" (И дом был всегда «дорогим домом»)
    With a wonderful mother like you! (С такой замечательной мамой как ты!)

    Wishing You a Wonderful Day
    Wishing You a Wonderful Day (Желаю тебе чудесного дня)
    Sending this, Mom, (Письмо это, мам,)
    Especially to say (Специально, что бы сказать)
    Wishing you a happy (Желаю тебе счастья)
    And wonderful day... (И чудесного дня)
    And to tell you this day (И сказать тебе в этот день)
    Will always be one (Ты будешь всегда особенной)
    For remembering the many (В памяти за многое)
    Sweet things you have done! (Хорошее что ты сделала!)
    Once upon a memory (Помню однажды)
    Someone wiped away a tear (Кто-то смахнул слезу)
    Held me close and loved me, (Обнял меня крепко и любил,)
    Thank you, Mother dear! (Спасибо, дорогая мама!)

    Once upon a memory (Помню однажды)
    Someone wiped away a tear (Кто-то смахнул слезу)
    Held me close and loved me, (Обнял меня крепко и любил,)
    Thank you, Mother dear! (Спасибо, дорогая мама!)

    A Wish for You
    A Wish for You (Пожелание)
    Just one little wish for you, Mom, (Только одно маленькое пожелание тебе, мама)
    But it's loving and happy and true - (Но оно с любовью, счастьем и правдиво -)
    It's a wish that the nicest and best things (Желаю что бы приятнейшие и лучшие события)
    Will always keep coming to you! (Всегда продолжали приключаться с тобой!)

    Grandma (Бабушка)
    While we honor all our mothers (Когда мы чествуем все наших мам)
    with words of love and praise. (словами любви и похвалы,)
    While we tell about their goodness (Когда мы говорим об их достоинствах)
    and their kind and loving ways. (об их доброте и любви.)
    We should also think of Grandma, (Мы также должны подумать о бабушке,)
    she's a mother too, you see... (она мама тоже, сами посмотрите...)
    For she mothered my dear mother (Потому что она мама моей дорогой мамы)
    as my mother mothers me. (как моя мама – мама мне.)

  16. Today I will tell you about mother's day.
    Yesterday all Ukraine celebrated this holiday.
    All ukrainian children welcomed their mom. And me too. But yesterday in the morning I forgot about mother's day and didn't welcome my mom. She offended.
    And after that I decided to make a surprise.
    My friend Dima and I went to the fair, this fair were next to our hotel (if you don't know, I were in Carpathian Mountain on this week) .
    And I bought two beautiful soaps and flowers.
    All this thing packed in colourful paper.
    My mom was so happy and kiss me many times.
    P.S. Be kind and make present each other.

  17. I was selebrated mother day with my mother. I buy a flowers and present my mother she was happy. This day was a great my famili and i go to the film and my mother say this day was a beatifol.Написав учень 7-б класу Карабінській Дмитро.

  18. Мother is the closest person for each of us.
    Love and respect her needs to not only one day in year/
    But on the Mother’s Day you can pay more attention , make a surprise or a gift to your mother.
    Mother’s Day celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May.
    In our country it is celebrated in second Sunday of May.
    but The modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908 , before this a celebration hadn't of this magnitude .
    In our family celebrating mother's day every year .
    We go on barbecue in forest and next day we visit grandmother.
    Mother's Day is a wonderful spring holiday.
    You can make it even better for your mother's!

    Mom’s smiles can brighten any moment,
    Mom’s hugs put joy in all our days,
    Mom’s love will stay with us forever
    and touch our lives in precious ways…
    The values you’ve taught,
    the care you’ve given,
    and the wonderful love you’ve shown,
    have enriched my life
    in more ways than I can count
    I Love you Mom!

  19. Mother's Day is a day celebrated in Words many parts earth.This day in which we can hug my mother because she is here. because she loves us value for all . about not required to hold only mother on холідай Every day we stayed with it this holiday so we have to kiss and hug their mothers every day . in my family that day almost did not we just celebrated our mom congratulate on this holiday and are preparing a special dinner. There fore, to love their mother no matter what and just
    hug her and tell her that we love. because it is only in us loves us even when we do not have to love anybody, it will support us in difficult situations and think about us every minute!

  20. Mother's Day celebrated people around the world. This holiday celebrating the second Sunday in May as Mother Nature-earth absorbs its spring flowers.
    In 1903, a young American woman from Philadelphia Anna Jervis appealed to authorities to devote a special day of the year honoring their mothers.
    What could be better on the day when the home, like swallows to nest, flock children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. Flock to bow to mother look in her bright eyes, kissed weary hands.

    Mom is such a special word
    The loveliest I’ve ever heard
    These words to you, above all the rest,
    Mom, you’re so special, You are simply the best!

  21. Day of mother — the international holiday in honor of mothers. This day it is accepted to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, unlike the International Women's Day when congratulations are accepted by all female representatives. In the different countries this day falls on different dates, generally in the world «Day of mother» is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Day of mother in Russia is celebrated annually last Sunday of November, in Belarus — on October 14, in Georgia — on March 3, in Ukraine — on the second Sunday of May, in Germany in 2012 - on May 13

  22. Mother’s Day comes on the second Sunday in May. It is a day when Americans honour their mothers. It is not a national holiday. Mother’s Day is an American national observance in honour of motherhood. The holiday, suggested by Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, was set (1914) by an act of Congress for annual celebration. It is also observed in England and Germany. In 1907, the day was celebrated in a church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A member of that church planned the Sunday morning service to honour her own mother. More and more churches in cities and states set aside the day to honour mothers. Since 1914, the whole country has observed Mother’s day. Most mothers like to celebrate the day with family reunions. Many people send their mothers a card or a gift. Some people take their mothers to a restaurant for dinner. It is a custom to wear a red or pink flower if one’s mother is living. It is the custom to wear a white flower if one’s mother is dead.
    I don’t celebrate Mother`s day.But I want to congratulations my mam!

    Sending this, Mom,
    Especially to say
    Wishing you a happy
    And wonderful day...
    And to tell you this day
    Will always be one
    For remembering the many
    Sweet things you have done!

  23. Mother's Day is observed the second Sunday in May. It is a time to honor mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers for their contribution to family and society. Since it is not a federal holiday, businesses may be open or closed as any other Sunday.
    Mother's Day is celebrated with gifts, cards, flowers, a special meal out, jewelry, or chocolates and candy. Other special treats might include a spa or beauty treatment. It has become the most commercialized holiday for dining out and jewelry sales.

  24. Mother's Day in the United States

    Mother's Day in the United States is annually held on the second Sunday of May. It celebrates motherhood and it is a time to appreciate mothers and mother figures. Many people give gifts, cards, flowers, candy, a meal in a restaurant or other treats to their mother and mother figures, including grandmothers, great-grandmothers, stepmothers, and foster mothers.
    What Do People Do?
    Many people send cards or gifts to their mother or mother figure or make a special effort to visit her. Common Mother's Day gifts are flowers, chocolate, candy, clothing, jewelry and treats, such as a beauty treatment or trip to a spa. Some families organize an outing for all of their members or hold a special meal at home or in a restaurant. In the days and weeks before Mother's Day, many schools help their pupils to prepare a handmade card or small gift for their mothers.
    I think celebrating “Mother’s Day” once a year is a very good idea.
    So we decided to have a special celebration of Mother’s Day. We thought it a fine idea. We knew how much Mother did for us and so we decided that we should do everything we could to make Mother happy.
    We decided to cook special festive breakfast and my sister did accessories hand made for our mommy. Later we went in the park and had a great time together


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