Write 10 predictions


Write 10 sentences using will/won’t about things that may happen and in the future to you or your friends/family or relatives 


  1. 1) In year i will go to the Carpathians.
    2) Next Friday i will go to the village.
    3) When i will be 18 i will finish school 🎒.
    4) When i grow up i will buy a house 🏠 and car🚗.
    5)In a year i will buy a cat.
    6)Next month i won't buy a new bag.
    7)I will visit my friend in next summer 🌞.
    8) Next winter I won't go skiing.
    9)This week i will decorate my room for Halloween 🎃.
    10) My mum won't go work on this week.
    Круліковська Вікторія 7В

  2. 1) Next year i will go to Lviv 2) When I grow up I will buy a dog 3) I will have a good job in the future 4) In the future I will live in Ukraine 5) In the future I want to become a writer 6) I will buy a fish next month 7) I will enter a good university 8) I will buy a car layter 9) Soon I will go to nature 10) Later I will study psychology Борецька Вікторія 7 в

  3. 1.the coffee won't be very good.

    2.she will come back speaking French fluently

    3.she will be furious

    4.they will be very expensive

    5.great! so we won't have the exam!

    6.he will get a lot of money for it

    7.you will feel much healthier

    8.she will probably lose it, just like the other two

    9.i'm sure he will get a good job

    10.it will rain every day
    Березовський Нікіта

  4. 1) I hope that I will go to Canada when i grow up
    2) In the future i hope to become a programmer
    3) I hope I will live in a big mansion with a pool
    4) I will travel around the world on a cruise ship
    5) When i grow up i will have level C2 English
    6) The next year I will go to another lyceum
    7) In the future I hope I will get a chance to live in canada for some time
    8) I will go snoboarding this Winter
    9) Next summer I will go to Artek Bukovel again
    10) I hope that the war will end this year
    Mazurchuk Maksym 7-V

  5. 1)My brother will work as a teacher.
    2)Emily will study science at university.
    3)We won't have a good time at the beach.
    4)I will have a lot of children.
    5)I will go to university after school.
    6)I will go to Dubai tomorrow.
    7)I won't go to the cemetery.
    8)He will call me tomorrow.
    9)Tomorrow, my father will apply for a new job.
    10)We will learn more about this later.
    Слепенчук Дарина

    1. Вибачте я написала cemetry (цвинтар), я хотіла інше написати це мене телефон виправляє


  6. 1. **Sustainable Travel**: Travelers will prioritize eco-friendly and sustainable travel options, leading to a rise in eco-tourism and carbon-neutral travel experiences.

    2. **Advanced Transportation**: Hyperloop and high-speed rail systems will become more common, reducing travel times between cities and regions.

    3. **Virtual Tourism**: Virtual reality and augmented reality will offer immersive travel experiences, allowing people to "visit" destinations from the comfort of their homes.

    4. **Space Tourism**: Commercial space travel will become a reality, with civilians taking suborbital and orbital flights for leisure.

    5. **Biometric Security**: Biometric technology, such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning, will streamline airport security processes, making travel more efficient.

    6. **Health Passports**: Digital health passports will be widely used for verifying travelers' health status, especially during pandemics, to ensure safe travel.

    7. **Autonomous Vehicles**: Autonomous taxis and shuttles will provide convenient transportation within cities and airports, reducing the need for traditional car rentals.

    8. **Cruise Ship Innovations**: Cruise ships will incorporate advanced technologies, making them more sustainable and offering unique onboard experiences.

    9. **Cultural Experiences**: Travelers will seek authentic cultural experiences, fostering interactions with local communities and promoting responsible tourism.

    10. **Personalized Travel Planning**: AI-driven travel assistants will curate

  7. 1)The war will end soon
    2)Tomorrow will probably rain
    3)Many students will move to the lyceum next year
    4)Probably tomorrow they will buy me a new ball
    5) Starting next year, they will buy me a new computer
    6)I guess I won't go to school
    7)Mom will cook delicious cookies tomorrow
    8)i will learn how to cooks food
    9) I will be preparing for the lyceum
    10)i will going to get a job
    Максим Бурячек(easily😁)

  8. I think that in 10 years I will become a web designer. I think so because I would like to do it. I think that when I become a web designer, I will already be able to earn money for my needs. I think that in 10 years I will be even better at drawing than now. I will have little time because I will be working. In my free time, I will draw or rest, although I will have little free time. I think I will sometimes take a few days off if I get really tired. I would like to paint pictures or something else to order in my spare time. (Матвій Журавський)

  9. 1)I will play football
    2)I'll drink coffee but I won't drink juice
    3) Tomorrow will winter
    4)Next month I will go to the Turkey
    5)I will married when I buy car
    6)I won't play computer games tomorrow
    7)Max will do exercise today at 5 o'clock
    8)I will sleep when be 12
    9)My mum will cook when I arrive home
    10)I won't drive car in 5 years
    Андрій Данчук


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