My favourite thing

Write about your favourite object:

1) how does it look look like (appearance);
2) how you got it:
3) how you use it and your opinion.


  1. Юсупова Поліна6 квітня 2023 р. о 15:20

    My favorite thing is inspiration! Everyone looks different, but for me it's something special! Basically I get it by listening to music and watching interesting movies! I need inspiration for drawings and other things. And what is your favorite thing? Interested to know your opinion💗

  2. My favorite thing is a ball. I have many balls, but one is my favorite. My stepfather gave it to me for 11 years. My ball is red. You can play many games with this ball ! For example: volleyball, basketball, football, handball. And what is your favorite thing?
    Борецька Вікторія

  3. My favourite thing.
    I've got a great, square black laptop. It isn't heavy - it only weighs 5 kg. It came with a beautiful black bag.
    My parents gave it to me 7 moonths ago for my school.
    I use it a lot. I do my homework on it all the time. Sometimes I play games on it. It's my one of the most favorite things.
    Нестеровська Марія 6-В клас

  4. I've got a silly,small orange cat. This is my favorite thing. It was a present from dear to me people. I don't know, why she was gave this cat, but cat is very silly. Very very silly. I like it because it's a gift and this item reminds me of this person.
    Прогожук Поліна 6-В

  5. I like building Legos. I have a large collection of cars, ships and planes. My favourite model is a model of the light ship Titanic that I made myself.Юхневич Владислав

  6. My favorite thing is drawing. I draw with pastels, pencils, paints and other things. I like drawing with pastels the most. I like to draw fruit and dishes. Yukhnevych Sofia😀

  7. I don't even know how I managed to live without my beloved phone before. Today I will not part with him. This small, compact object replaces several things at once and is very convenient. Now there is no need to buy watches, look for a calculator around the house, no need to start a notebook for notes, remember the numbers of acquaintances. All this is in one small gadget, in the phone. It's thin, touchscreen, and has a big screen. The body of the phone is black, and this color goes well with the transparent case, which has a silver pattern.
    Березовський Нікіта

  8. Круліковська Віка
    My favourite thing is my tablet. It is black 🖤 and it is pretty big. I also have a cover for it. There is an Eiffel Tower🗼 depicted on the cover.
    I got it from my dad. It was a New Year present 🎁.
    I use it so much every day. I study, do my homework, make the presentations, draw, communicate with my friends, relatives, play, watch cartoons and films.

  9. my favorite thing
    I love to draw. I've been going to art school for 3 years. My drawing teacher says that I have talent, but I still need to work, get my hands full. My best paintings are on display. And also attended city competitions. I love to draw.Камінська Лиза

  10. My favorite thing - This is a desktop computer. It was given to me for my birthday in 2018. I love my computer because you can do a lot of things on it. Watch something on YouTube, study history and interesting facts, study, work, talk with people who live thousands of kilometers away from you, play computer games and so on.
    Артур Мішук 6-А Клас

  11. It was a gift from dad. He went on a business trip to Sweden for two weeks and brought me a gift - two soft moose. They are very cute and look like two brothers - the younger one is light red and has a blue t-shirt, and the older one is dark brown and has the same blue t-shirt. I had them when I was five years old, just then I started to travel, I took them everywhere, I even took them to kindergarten several times. And when the war started, of all the toys (and I have a lot of them) I took only them with me. But recently a small moose tore, I was very sorry, but I barely sewed it up. And now everything is fine with them. 💖Бойко Поліна 6-В

  12. My favorite thing is headphones. They are black. They were given to me for the new year. I watch movies and listen to music in them. Пришляк Анастасія

  13. My favourite thing is sports gymnastics. I haven't been going there for a long time, but I really like it. I used to like to draw, but since I came to Norway I was no longer interested in it. I have been doing gymnastics for over 7-8 months and my coaches think I am very good at it. It is very fun and interesting there, sports gymnastics is different from artistic gymnastics. I used to dream of doing rhythmic gymnastics, but when I tried sports gymnastics, I was no longer interested in rhythmic gymnastics. You can get a lot of injuries in gymnastics, but I haven't had one yet, and that's very good. I really like gymnastics❤️.
    Вознюк Анна 6В

  14. Маргарита Ткачук -Чертенко 6-В

    My favourite things is the game ,,pie in the face".I wanted her for a long time.This game requires 3-6 players.Everyone turns the arrow in turn and a number comes out,if 3 comes out,you have to roll 3 times.The one who does not get cream on his face wins, and the one who gets it on his face loses

    And what is your favourite things?

  15. my favorite thing is a soccer ball. I play soccer with it, I play ball almost every day. When summer and summer vacations come, I take the ball and go to the yard for the whole day. I have many balls, the newest one was given to me for my birthday. My ball is blue, white and gray. I like him very much. Vlad Rafalsky 6B

  16. My favorite subject is the computer. I like to play different games on it. It was given to me for my birthday. It is blue with a purple backlight, I think there is no need to describe its characteristics. I also have my favorite monitor, which I collected myself, a regular 24-inch monitor, it is black and it is also a little bit wrapped.(Максим Бурячек)

  17. My favorite thing! These are my drawings. I love to draw very much. Every artist needs a muse, inspiration, inspiration comes to me when I listen to music or watch a movie. And I also need a good mood :)

  18. My favourite possession is my laptop. Today, there are so many opportunities to buy whatever you like. If you don’t like your shoes, you can buy new ones. If you want a new camera but you don’t have enough money, you can ask your parents to help. Another choice is to save some money and then buy it. However, I think that such an abundance of opportunities leads to careless usage of things. People easily break things and throw them away, not even trying to fix them. I always try to handle carefully my possessions, be it a laptop or a cell phone.

  19. My favorite thing
    My favorite thing is a phone, they are different but I will describe my phone it is blue in color it has a transparent case and it has Blackpink Rosé and Jisoo cards. My mom and dad bought me this phone. I use the phone for lessons, and to listen to music or read a book. I am comfortable with the phone, it helps me. Кухарська Вероніка

  20. Максимова Маргарита
    my favorite object is an owl. it rings when you shake it. it is soft and small. I only recently bought it, but it is already my favorite object and I bought it second hand. I wear it on my jeans as a key ring. I still wear it on keys and shopper.

  21. my favorite thing is to make a picture (diamond mosaic). I try to compose it every day. I am currently working on a painting of peacocks. I think that I will finish the painting soon. Also, putting together a picture calms and relaxes
    Єроніна Вероніка


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