Read the newspaper headlines below, choose one of them and describe what happened (4-5sentences) using Present and Past Simple passive


You choose just one of the headlines, and describe what happened using passive voice!!!


  1. Leave your comments here… don’t forget to sign up))

  2. Storm Destroys 20 Houses.
    The city was hit by a storm. 20 houses was damaged by a storm. Now people staying without electric light. The problems were solved by the rescue team.

  3. a missing child was found in the zoo.
    the child saw a giraffe and wanted to feed it. the parents did not pay attention to this and went on, thinking that the child would run ahead. a three-year-old girl was in a cage with a giraffe for 5 hours. but the giraffe did not pay attention to her, and the rescuers pulled the girl out. Лагановська Яна.

  4. karoche aim Tima.
    10 paintigs destroyed in fire.
    A plane flew over us at night and all people were dead it fell on the gallery.
    111 people and 4 crew members died.
    The plane crashed due to a malfunction of the turbines at a speed of 400 km per hour.
    The plane flew at low altitude and hit a large flock of birds.
    The accident was eliminated by 15 rescuers and they also died.
    Conclusion: Look after yourself, be careful.

  5. Горбуль Олексій13 листопада 2022 р. о 21:47

    10 paintings destroyed in fire.
    The art museum was burned by dropped cigarette. cigarette dropped by unknown person and burned whole museum. The fire was extinguished by firefighters. The musseum was rebuilt. 7 of paintings were reproduced by artists. Person who smoked was arrested by police.

  6. Many injured in bus accident
    Рeople went on an excursion to Lviv. While they were driving, it started to rain heavily. The rain flooded all the roads and it was very difficult to drive because the tires were very slippery. When the bus was leaving the corner, it collided with a car. Several people were injured. After a few minutes, an ambulance arrived and helped people. All people remained alive!!!
    Borysiuk Polina


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