The positive and negative aspects of each change in the future!!

 Leave your comments about this issue... choose 1 item and comment on positive and negative things it will have in the future 


  1. Positive: Flying cars are a very useful and fast means of transportation. They do not require the use of gasoline, so they are somewhat environmentally friendly. There will be no more traffic jams with flying machines.
    Negative: Due to the speed of these cars, there is a high risk of accidents. Require special licenses, as for a normal car, but a little different. If it breaks in flight, it will fall down.

  2. Flying cars
    I’m just sure, there’ll be flying machines in the future. Like any thing, they will have their positive and negative sides.
    I suppose it’s very convenient and comfortable. Moving around in these cars will be much faster than in conventional cars. There will be no traffic congestion unlike on normal routes.
    I think the downside is that these machines will be more environmentally damaging. There will definitely be more accidents because it’s gonna be so much harder to drive. And by the way, the price of these cars is going to be much higher.
    Alina Mozgovenko

  3. Flying car
    1. Lack of traffic on the roads.
    2. Extraordinary speed in comparison with usual cars.
    1. Too dangerous not only for humans but also for birds, skyscrapers, and tall trees.
    2. The emergence of new technology is also the emergence of new costs and licenses.
    Яценко Вікторія

  4. It is an electronic device that looks like a watch on the hand, but is actually a multifunctional gadget that collects information about the actions and condition of the child and sends it via the mobile Internet to the application in the parents' smartphone. Benefits: 1) When you do not charge the phone and go for example to the grocery store you can call my mother and ask what to buy.2) Not so bad eyesight.3) Sometimes there is the Internet you can watch something like on TV.4) They can communicate with friends, family.5) Times can measure the heart rate, independently calculate the distance traveled.6) They are also convenient because they are small. Disadvantages: Of course, there were some disadvantages. Such a useful gadget is very helpful to monitor the child, but this is exactly the problem. After all, psychologically, children are not comfortable feeling that their every step is controlled by any word or conversation, even the answer in class or a private conversation with a friend, can be heard by the mother without warning. Humeniuk Ann

  5. Мухамеджанова Надія31 березня 2021 р. о 15:43

    Positive and negative of using an video phone watch
    1. When talking on the video phone watch, it is impossible to see others while talk.
    2. The video phone watch has a small screen.
    3. Using a video phone watch is not as convenient as watching TV.
    1. The video phone watch has a good internet connection.

  6. Flying car
    At night, flying cars will look like spaceships from Star Wars, and that's pretty cool, because of this I want this car. The high speed means you can spend less time commuting to school and working. In accidents in the air, people moving from below can be injured. When flying cars appear, they will be very expensive, but then the price will become normal. People will need a special license that is difficult to obtain.
    Zabrodska Anastasia

  7. Flying car
    In my opinion flying car dangerous variant for drive also for this needs special licence.
    Though is this speed and modern, I don't give adventage this transport

  8. +
    you quickly find yourself where you need to be
    does not pollute the environment
    not everyone can afford
    there can be many accidents
    Kolos Vlada


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