Crime crime...the task for 8th formers

Have you ever been a witness of any crime? What have you seen? What were your actions in a dangerous situations? Speak up...


  1. Artem Laichuk 8-V///// I Have never been a witness of any crime in real life. Of course, I have repeatedly seen the different types of crimes on TV. And while watching, I thought what I'd do if I was there. I think the answer of this question depends on the life situation. First, if you're on a busy street you can call for help adults, because it is not a very good idea when you try to solve the problem by yourself . Secondly you can call the police or the rescue service . Of course, like any teenager, I will try to make a video and record everything on the phone because it's cool. And if the offender my age and he just wave his fists I can show him a few Boxing techniques.

  2. I was never a witness of any crime in real life.But I've seen a lot of crime on TV.And when I'm watching a movie about a crime,then I think I'm going to do in this situation.Firstly no need to panic,if you are outdoors, then you need to ask for help from adults,because we can't solve the problem.You can also call the police ,the rescue service and still need to call parents so they can help you.

  3. Тhree years ago,when I was 9 years old.I was going home from school it was 4 class.I went on the second shift at school,it was winter,at four o'clock it was already dark.I went home as usual through the stadium 5 school.I heard the girl screaming and scared and started to run but then I realized that I need to help her.I snuck over to the garden and saw a man wanted to take her money, phone and tablet.She asked man not to takе and escaped.But she struggled and he hit her.Аnd then I saw my dad go from work .I ran to him and dad quickly called the police and while driving by the police, he was arrested criminal.When the police arrived, they thanked us, as have been searching for this criminal.Now, I'm still friends with this girl.

  4. Once I witnessed a robbery. Two young men wanted to rob my neighbors. They tried to open their doors. I called the police. Within ten minutes the police arrived. The robbery did not take place, but the criminals did not stay. Be careful.

  5. Matviy Shcherback\/\/\/ I have never been seen the crime but one day i heard the my neighbor was robbed. For the time police catch the robber.
    We all know what we need to do when we robbed. If you robbed on the street you need to call the police. If you remember his face you need to make identikit, it's will help police. If you don't see his ot her face you need to remember how was looking he: how old was he or she, how was he tall...
    If you come home and see that you robbed you need also to call the police, look what was robbed, for example if you Smartphone robbed you can check where it now for GPS, it's can help police to catch the robber. I think it’s help you when you robbed.


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