
Показано дописи з лютий, 2017

the task for 11th formers

How the achievement influeces your life

Atention 8th formers!!! New project... let me be your Valentine!

There are several tasks we are lacking behind in our new project, first of all express your definition of the word LOVE and fill in there in the padlet  https://twinspace.etwinning.net/35346/pages/page/198716/edit, please do the task ASAP.

Monday news!!!

Prepare the news in local, international or any other kinds of news, pay attention to your grammar and vocabulary...

Crime crime...the task for 8th formers

Have you ever been a witness of any crime? What have you seen? What were your actions in a dangerous situations? Speak up...

Do you believe in ghosts?

Some people think that it's a f ake , but some really believe in ghosts, what about you, do you believe in ghosts? What is your opinion about some strange situations that can happen in life?