the task for 11th formers

How the achievement influeces your life


  1. Achievements have a great influence on our lives. For example, if I finally get what you wanted, I will have the desire to strive for something more. If I have something does not work, I will give up. So Yes, achievements do have a big impact on our lives.

  2. I think when a person has achieved something in their life that makes her confident. Of course, the path to the goal is always difficult and people need to cope with difficulties. This makes it stronger and prepared for any situation in life.
    Soon I was waiting for an examination which must decide my fate. I hope , that I will write perfectly all tests and will enter into a prestigious college. When I overcome all these challenges and reach their goals it will make me happy and more confident. Help me to feel the taste of victory.

  3. I think, how we're going to our goals more important than achievement. This is the stage where we can give up or move on.That is why it is so important. And the very achievement,it like a final. But achievements greatly simplify our lives. For examplе,technical achievements. So i think that it has a positive effect on us. Irene Lukianova


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