One more task for 11th graders...

The task for December : Everyone has unforgottable moments in his/her life. Can you share the amazing,inspiring, breath-taking moments or turning points  of your life?


  1. All my childhood I spent in the village. From the village connected all my best and unforgettable moments of my childhood. We have a big family. I have 3 sisters, 2 of them cousins. We always laughed at each other, did everything together, but when the parents asked who broke the vase like wallpaper or painted, we do not hesitate to say the truth and only one accused. Usually we are not afraid to complain to anyone of us, knowing that the offense will not be long.
    The most striking point is referred to our concerts. I have sisters loved to sing, dance or show starring a fairy tale. Our concerts are usually made in one day. I just participated and two younger sisters, and 3 was still small. It could spoil everything. Of course, we drew invite each family member. Came only grandfather. Then began the show, and here in the middle when I tell a story, and grandfather nearly asleep, runs smallest sister and loud poem begins to tell of cabbage. Grandpa quickly woke up and I went crying to the "scene".
    We all grew up. And once on Midsummer concert gave my grandmother. She is a singer. And we take out her flowers on stage, she presents us the whole audience and says it is growing up its competitors. And talks about our concerts and the grandfather fell asleep. Many years passed, and still some people ask us if he could come to our concert.

  2. Hi Nura,
    How are you? I hope that you okay!
    I want to tell about childhood. I do not remember all my childhood, but some interesting moment I still remember. So, when I was very small girl, to us came the familiar my dad. I asked my father if I could throw him cube. He forbade me, but I said, that I could did this and throw toy in his.
    Also, I remember that on wedding cousin my mom all my family ran for me, took away me from puddles and took me out of the car. My mom say, that none of our family have not seen this wedding.
    So, can you to tell me some interesting story with your childhood? I'll wait your letter.
    P.S. Nothing, if you can not mention.
    Yours, Eva.

  3. I believe that I am a happy man because I have everything I need.
    My childhood was wonderful, because before the birth of my younger sister, I was a parent one child, so I got all good. They did everything for me. Most of the time I remember from my childhood, when my sister was born. Since that time my life changed, because all I had to share it. All my free time I spent together with my sister, was walking on the street, drawing, watching movies. It was very interesting to watch her, because I was a little kid and I was curious to see how kids behave. These were the happiest moments I will never forget them.

  4. Hi!How ate the things?
    I have something special to tell you about my childhoodWhen I was child, I did not understand a lot of things, but now everything is different.In childhood I had a dream to become a singer, all the adults are always laughing, but only one grandfather knew and gave good advice. I always sang, imagined that I was on the big stage in America, went to her mother's shoes that are a couple of sizes bigger than me, Grandpa always amused and I like it.No at one point, my childhood dream began to condemned, humiliate and say, that does not work, it's all your pink dream.I felt lonely and as always proved to be close to my grandfather, he is so smart and the right person, I still admire him.He said to me then, no matter who you are, where you are, if have a dream, you need to strive for it, do not listen to anyone, it is possible you can lose your ticket to the future because of the people who are against you, but you be stronger and wiser. And in that moment, I just said thank you and started to sing his favorite song and dance .And now i go to dance club and this is my favorite business, though not stopped singing for himself.
    That's all for now.Write me back ,please.
    Best wishes,

  5. Dear ,Lucy!
    Thanks for your letter! Sorry, i haven't written for so long . You asked me last time about amazing moments in my life. I want say , that all my life is amazing moment . Every day i'm trying do somethings new , sometimes it's extreme travelling or something crazy for other people. It's started since childhood . I liked , when people get shock from my look . May be it is one of all reasons why i want to became actress. What are you think about it? Hope to see you in summer holiday .
    Yours, Ann-Mary


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