Healthy eating - healthy living!!!

How often do you pay attention to what you eat? Do you read to some newspaper articles about healthy nutrition and other healthy habits? What is a healthy nutrition for you? Describe what you usually eat and drink during the day:


  1. Білашевич Влад25 вересня 2016 р. о 11:09

    I think we should eat healthy food to be strong and healthy.we should eat more fruits and vegetables, bakery products, sweets, meat and fish, dairy products.
    If we eat this food, we will be healthy.

  2. I think, that health eating are very important moment in live. Health food are health pledge. But, more people like eat fast food and it is leads to severe disease and stomach problems.
    If you don't have this problem necessary eat food which have more vitamins, more fruits and vegetables, milk products, proteins, fish and seafood. Also, should be excluded from food sugar and sweets, salt, alcohol, fatty and fried food. It is help to myself keep fit.
    For example, i try use this rules but sometimes i eat sweets and drink sweet tea and coffee. I understand how difficult waive the usual things and food. therefore at least half of these rules to be followed. If person has problem with health, it must comply with all rules.

  3. Man eats to live because you only need to eat healthy foods. From junk food raises many health problems such as problem skin, obesity, problems with the stomach or liver. Such diseases arise from the use of fast foods, very fatty foods, too much sugar, or low-quality products. To avoid such problems need to keep track of what you eat. In my opinion we must add to your diet more vegetables and fruit, just give up junk food (it is difficult) and use only fresh ingredients. You also need to eat dairy products fish, various meats (not fried) and drink only water. I believe that healthy food is great. Eat healthy food!

  4. Healthy food begins with healthy products. Some foods help us to preserve youth and some sanity. The healthier food which I accept the better I feel. A healthy food is primarily natural products without chemical additives and intermediates. Another important factor is the freshness. It is undesirable to store any food for more than three days. I eat lots of fruits, vegetables and cereals. Although I can’t live without meat I largely support the vegetarian . They are 10-20 years old live longer than ordinary people. I think this is the most compelling figure.

    Everyone understands unhealthy food harms the body. I believe that there are three main reasons for the popularity of such food: 1. Caloric content. 2. Availability 3. Taste qualities. Although high in fat, salt and sugar leads to obesity. This problem affects millions of people around the world. Healthy eating is very important to me and I encourage everyone to think about what they eat.

  5. There are 3 main things in my healthy lifestyle: healthy eating, physical exercise and leisure activities. All together these components help me keep my body and mind in good condition.
    There is a saying, wealth is nothing without health. And it is true because only healthy people can fully enjoy their life. Healthy lifestyle becomes more and more popular nowadays.
    Formation of right eating habits is one of the ways to having good health. There are enough fruits, vegetables, meat and fiber in my diet. I avoid overeating and drink plenty of water. Our body needs physical exercise. I also enjoy long walks in the fresh air. While keeping our body healthy, we should not forget about our mind. Having a hobby or involving oneself in different leisure activities helps restore our mental health.
    There are different types of leisure activities, from reading books and knitting to hiking and travelling. I recently discovered that I enjoy growing indoor plants and am very attracted by handmade works.

  6. Healthy food became one of new fashion way. More and more people go on vegetarianism. But I can't choose between healthy food and fast food.I know that healthy food is really good for your future health,but healthy food isn't soo tasty as fast food. So I decided to find some advices what can help to be more helthy and don't refuse from fast food.So,you must:
    1. To drink fresh juice.
    2.To avoid sweet breakfasts.
    3.To bring your own dinner.
    4.Do not forget about soups.
    5. Check the label products.
    6.Use and eat less salt.

    Irene Lukianova

  7. I am a very positive attitude to healthy food . Food is energy for the human body . It is important to eat foods of plant origin . There's a lot of fiber and beneficial vitamins . Fatty and unhealthy food makes people sick and fat. Healthy food helps me to be fit , and often engaged in sports.


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