Customs and traditions of Ukrainian people...

We live in the country rich on customs and tradiitons. Some of them we follow, some not, but as real citizents we have to know all of them. So what Ukrainian customs and tradiitons do you know and which of them do you follow?


  1. The Ukrainians like any other people have their own customs and traditions: many of these are very old , some appear nowdays.let me tell you about Ukrainian wedding Korovai.Korovai is a traditional wedding bread that is steeped in symbolism. In Ukraine it takes the place of a wedding cake, but modern brides often choose one or the other. In ancient times, it was baked all the rural women, expressed support for the newlyweds. Women sang wedding songs and shared their experiences with the bride and gave her advice on married life.
    Loaf decorated with ornaments of baked dough: two doves, reflecting the couple pine cones, which symbolize fertility and other ornaments to represent family and friends. In the center of the loaf – the tree of life, which means life, love, hope, and the construction of a new nest. The whole composition is surrounded by a wreath of periwinkle, a symbol of love and purity. Karavay placed in a prominent place on the embroidered tablecloth. Periwinkle and Myrtle are twisted together in wreaths. Other decorations – wheat, poppies, daisies, cornflowers and colorful ribbon enriched bread .Ukrainians have always been distinguished by its originality and unconventional approach, and therefore the wedding of our ancestors were extremely rich and colorful. Traditions and rites were so many, that in some regions of the wedding meal could last a week.

    Traditions and rituals bind together century. Today, many brides prefer a variety of customs and delicious traditional dishes.
    In Ukraine, when the wedding was celebrated three days. The origin of Ukrainian wedding steeped in mystery and rituals of Eastern rite Christianity.
    Іn Ukraine also there are many other interesting customs and traditions.

  2. Ukrainian folk customs and traditions
    Our nation has a rich culture, a huge treasure which consists of values acquired by many generations. From ancient times come to us wisdom and direction on life.Every holiday also demanded a certain behavior. The night before Christmas — it is also called Holy-night — Krasniqi must visit the cross with gifts and dinner. For her and still cook the Christmas pudding ritual porridge from wheat with the addition of poppy seeds, raisins, honey, nuts. The Thursday before Easter is called Clean because this house needs to be cleaned for the holiday. This day or Holy Saturday in every home baked cakes, painted eggs. Trinity house still adorn potion, because of the people this holiday is called Trinity Sunday, Midsummer on the banks of rivers lit the fires, and the boldest went to the forest in search of the magic color of a fern.

  3. Courtship and engagement - wedding traditions
    In Ukrainian language there is a wonderful word "betrothal", which reveals the essence of the tradition of the engagement could not be better. To enlist the support of parents and friends is an important task for a young couple who decide to get married. In a sign of the hardness of their decision to get married your beloved groom gives the bride a diamond ring. It is the symbol of engagement is a diamond ring, although this tradition, as are the engagement, is not as popular as in the West. In Western culture engagement become an essential wedding tradition.
    Engagement is often home reception for relatives and close friends where the couple announces his decision and names the provisional date of their wedding. Engagement usually is a wonderful occasion for romantic gifts. Guests invited to the engagement have the opportunity to not only see a further celebration, but also to take active part in the preparations for the wedding, and to discuss possible wedding gifts for the couple. At the stage of engagement is very appropriate gift can become involved in the preparatory efforts. If engagement have not yet received dissemination, the tradition of courtship loses its popularity, and many young couples just put before the fact...

    Matchmaking - when selected matchmakers groom make a formal offer. Action is the matchmaker described in the old Testament. Professional ELASTOMOULE wedding was already known to the ancient Greeks and the Aztecs. In the days of our youth, grandmothers and grandfathers all pradeshi the problem is always solved only with the help of matchmakers.

  4. Максимчук Маша25 вересня 2016 р. о 18:07

    Every day Ukrainian are increasingly returning to their past, traditions, customs and rituals, which appears quite diverse and universal, after all, continue to be popular even today. Any concert or event mass now fills all possible kinds of Embroidery whisk and patriotic details. But historically "correct" and Ukrainian folk costume - is not only embroidery. This is a kaleidoscope of details and colors that only its view describing the routine, values ​​and range of philosophical ideas of certain regions.

    The beauty and originality of Ukrainian clothes at one time quite aptly said Ilya Repin, comparing with Parisian Ukrainians: "Only Ukrainian and Parisian able to dress with style! You will not believe how charming dress girls, boys too cleverly ... it's really popular, convenient and graceful costume. and what ducats, monisty, hats, flowers! and what a face! and what is it! Just beauty, health and beauty! "

  5. Christmas

    During the Christmas holidays in Ukraine popular tradition of caroling, when children go from house to house singing Christmas songs and wish peace and prosperity to the owners, "sowing" floor grains of wheat or barley, which carries into the house well-being and happiness. In gratitude to the hosts endows children with sweets and coins, which bring good luck for the whole year. On Christmas Eve (Holy Night) in the run up to Christmas is strictly adhered to the tradition of feeding 12 meatless dishes - the number of the apostles. On the table is traditionally kutia, uzvar, freshly baked bread dumplings, in which the mistress hidden coins. Who will find a coin - and that will have good luck in the new year. Especially the place of honor in the house takes Didukh, carefully preserved from the time of hay, which is inserted into the stems of various cereals, such as oats, rye, wheat, and soft fragrant hay. At the table, singing Christmas songs, remember all the good that was in the past year, and wish each other happiness zdorovyai.


    The week preceding Lent coincided with the pagan celebration of the winter and spring of the meeting, so the celebration of Carnival has always differed special joy, because, 7 weeks ahead of the severe restrictions on food, thoughts and actions. Pancakes, indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa had a ritual significance: round, ruddy, hot - they are a symbol of the sun, which is brighter flared up, lengthening days. In Ukraine, along with pancakes, are very popular dumplings with cottage cheese. On Sunday, held mass celebrations and fun. In addition, in this day to ask for forgiveness from all family members and neighbors to be cleansed of all bad thoughts.


    Easter - the main Orthodox holiday. On this day the souls of the faithful crowded bright joy, and this contributes to nature, which threw off the shackles of winter sleep and in harmony with the Universal joy greeted the resurrection of Christ. In Easter night is not made to sleep in the evening everyone goes to church for vespers service. The beautiful baskets are a variety of dishes for the consecration, and returned, and begin to break the fast. Whatever the culinary variety on the table to start a dinner party needed to Easter bread Pasca. On this day, every Orthodox Christian welcomes the other with the words "Christ is risen!" And gets back a confirmation of these words, "Truly He is risen!".


    Ancient Slavic Midsummer holiday in honor of the Sun point in the day of the summer sun standing. It is filled with rituals related to water, fire and herbs. On this day daredevils jumping over the fire, but at midnight looking fern flower to get the ability to see the future and to find untold riches. Bereginja kind of family hearth and making wreaths. Girls and women in the early morning walk in the woods or on the field, the grass began to speak there on the health of their loved ones and family, jump to the grass through the fire, and then weave a wreath of this herb husband and myself. Unmarried girls let their wreaths on the water: to what shore it would kill - to marry the girl and go.

    Wedding traditions

    Family for Ukrainians is of paramount importance, which is why wedding traditions, wedding ceremonies and baptisms are met with the utmost care. Wedding ceremonies begin with matchmaking ceremony: bride sending in elders, respected elderly people, who are asking the bride's hand. In the case of the consent of the woman shall embroidered towel, and "Garbuz" - in case of failure. A few days before the wedding ritual baked traditional bread - a loaf. On the wedding day the young leaves of the young, where in the yard with his need ransom. After the church wedding ceremony, celebrate, tradition, sent to the house of the young, and after a festive lunch young unravel the braid and tie a scarf, a sign that she was a married woman. Celebrations, games and songs, often continues the next day.

  6. Ukrainian cuisine is closely linked to the customs, culture, and way of life of the Ukrainian people. It is famous for its diversity and flavours.
    The most popular Ukrainian dish is borsch. This thick and delicious soup is prepared with a variety of ingredients including meat, mushrooms, beans, and even prunes.
    Mushroom soups, bean and pea soups, soups with dumplings and thick millet chowders are also popular.
    "Holubtsi", or stuffed cabbage, is another favourite dish, as are "varenyky" filled with potatoes, meat, cheese, sauerkraut or berries such as blue-berries or cherries. "Varenyky" are often mentioned in folk songs.
    Ukrainians like dairy products. Some samples: cheese pancakes and "riazhanka" (fermented baked milk). There are no holidays without pies, "pampushky" (type of fritters), "baba" (a tall cylindrical cake) and honey cakes.
    Ukrainian sausage is delicious. It is preserved in a special way — in porcelain vessels filled by melted fat.
    Of course, every region of Ukraine has its own recipes and traditions.

  7. Draniki is one of the most popular dishes in Ukraine. Love them and constantly cooking many Housewives.

    Pancakes with cabbage in Ukrainian
    One of the favorite national dishes of Ukrainian potato pancakes. This dish is served to the festive table and the usual family dinner. Cooking potato pancakes – a simple process that does not take much time.

    potatoes – 1 kg;
    sauerkraut – 300 g;
    eggs – 2 pieces;
    onions – 1 head;
    wheat flour – 100 grams;
    milk – 200 grams;
    vegetable oil for frying.
    Method of preparation
    Potatoes wash, peel and grate on a coarse grater into a separate bowl. Gently squeeze to remove excess juice.
    Sauerkraut to press down with hands that are softer. Add to the potatoes. There may be hammered in chicken eggs.
    Onion finely chop, to attach to other components. Pour the prepared milk, add the flour. Salt.
    The mixture should be not too runny, but not thick. To bring it to the desired consistency, gradually adding milk or flour.
    In a pan heat the vegetable oil. You may want to add a little fat or butter.
    Potatoes to score a tablespoon and place on a pan. Each dranik be pressed to become flat. Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side, the tracking, so it wouldn't burn.
    Served pancakes with greens and sour cream.
    Bon appetit!

  8. Every region of Ukraine has its traditional dishes. The traditional dish of the region is potato pancakes. Even in the city Korosten is a holiday potato pancakes. There gathers all Ukraine delicious potato pancakes with sour cream. To prepare this dish we do not need a lot of ingredients. So, take the potatoes, eggs, onions, flour, salt and pepper. You need to rub grated potatoes and add the eggs, flour, chips onions and salt and pepper to taste. Then stir, heat a pan with oil and spoon hath put lot oval or round. After 2 minutes turn. Then you can remove and serve. Be sure to taste sour cream. There are pancakes with different fillings: mushrooms, cottage cheese, various meats. Sweet taste!

  9. Dumplings with garlic - small buns with Ukrainian origin. They can be served instead of bread as the first and second courses. Of course, dumplings with garlic sauce - the perfect complement to the Ukrainian borsch.
    Ingredients for pampushek: 250 ml. milk, 500 gr. flour, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 tbsp sugar, 11 gr. dry yeast, 1 egg for lubrication.

    Ingredients for the sauce: 2 tbsp vegetable oil, 2 tbsp water, 4 garlic cloves, salt to taste. This number of products designed for 14-15 pampushek.
    1.Milk heated to a warm state.
    2.Add yeast, eggs, sugar, salt and oil, mix well.
    3.Add the flour and knead the dough.
    4.Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for about 1 hour - can be placed in a larger container of hot water.The dough should double in size.
    5.Baking tray lay a parchment paper and grease with vegetable oil. From pinch off small pieces of dough on the surface, lightly floured, roll into balls and arrange on a baking sheet at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
    6.Dumplings grease with beaten egg and bake at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
    7.Prepare the garlic sauce: mix the oil, water, garlic, squeezed through a press, add salt to taste.
    8.Hot sauce dumplings grease.

  10. Ukrainian food is one of the richest national cuisines. Its dishes are well known far away from Ukraine. And the Ukrainian recipes of the foods are very popular nowadays.
    The most popular dish is the vareniki with potatoes and sauerkraut.

    1 14 oz can of sauerkraut
    1 Large Yellow Onion - Diced
    3 to 4 Large Real Potatoes
    3 Tblsp Sunflower oil from Ukraine or Vegetable oil

    Peel and skin the potatoes, then boil until soft. Mash the potatoes and set aside to cool. Saute the onions in the oil in a skillet on high heat. Completely drain the sauerkraut and add to the onions. Stir frequently and heat until the sauerkraut is browned. Thoroughly mix with the potatoes.


    Bring a large pot of water to boil, then add a little vegetable oil. Roll a piece dough out into a long rope, about 3/4 to 1 inch in diameter. Slice into approximate cubes. Roll each cube into a ball. Press fat and roll out into a thin circle. Scoop approximately one heaping teaspoon of filling into the center of the circle. Fold in half and pinch the edges shut to prevent any filling from falling out. Slightly flatten to distribute the filling evenly. Drop into the boiling water. Cook until the varenyky floats flat on the surface of the water. Usually this takes about 2 to 4 minutes depending on the size. When it's done, use a large flat slotted spoon to lift the Varenyky from the water, allowing the water to drain off. Place on a rack to drain and allow to cool. Freeze immediately or sauté in butter and onions.

  11. Любимый ученик который не вовремя пишет домашние задание,Салко28 вересня 2016 р. о 07:39

    Potato pancakes

    500 g potatoes, pared.
    1 finely chopped onion
    1 egg.
    ¾ teaspoon salt
    2 – 3 tablespoons milk
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
    Oil for frying

    Using grater, grate potatoes and drain well.
    2. In a large bowl, combine grated potato with onion, egg, flour, salt, milk, vegetable oil and pepper.
    3. Heat oil slowly in frying — pen, until bread cube dropped into oil becomes golden – brown.
    4. With spoon put potato mixture on frying – pen and fry pancakes 2 or 3 minutes on each side, or until golden – brown.
    5. Serve hot.


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