When is the right time to choose your future profession?

Your mum is buzzing all the time for you to be more serious and choose your future? But you feel reluctant thinking it's not the time! So when should you do it? Who can help you with it and how?


  1. In the first place among the issues of concern to teenagers, of course, is the problem of occupational choice. There is hardly a person who knew from childhood that will choose a profession and never changed his choice.
    Most teens will be more accurate decisions in high school age. They already have their own advantages. Some people like a subject in school, and with it they want to link future profession. Someone does what he likes after school, attending music school, art or drama school. No one is immune from mistakes, but before making a final decision, you need to examine all options.
    Fortunately, there are many people to whom you can turn for advice and help in the decision. You can ask teachers or parents, they always help you.

  2. I'm now at that age that should reflect on his future profession. My parents always remind me of it. I am very hard to decide! It's so responsibly! This choice may affect my future! In my opinion, choose a profession should wisely weigh the pros and cons. Of course, there are many tests and organizations that will help you in the selection, but you choose, not tests. As to when to think about the future profession, I think in high school should have to think seriously! And in choosing to remember that it is your future, not your parents ..

  3. Choosing a career and getting a job are two of the most important things any person does in his life. Before young people finish school all of them think that they will choose a profession they want. But later all of them understand that choosing a profession or a career is a very serious problem. So when young people leave school, they face that problem. If pupils want to achieve their purpose, they should use the opportunity for promotion in the early age. The young people have to know that if they don’t think about their future life earlier, it will be too difficult to think about it later. It is an advantage to choose a future career while being at school because it gives a goal in your studies and enables to choose a right, suitable course of study.
        There are several factors that influence the decision of young people to make their choice they concern material and spiritual aspects of the future profession. It is generally believed that professions should be both prestigious and interesting.. Much depends on the inclinations and interests of the person. Another important factor in social environment. The profession of the parents often in this or that way influences the future profession of their children. Today we have dynasties of physicians, historians, lawyers, economists, pilots and military officers. It is impossible to forget about the material aspect of the future profession. It indicates the level of the society’s values. Today all professions can be classified as prestigious or not prestigious. The problem of prestige is subjective. All the professions are very useful

  4. Any age will do as long as you remember the following 3 rules:

    1. You can switch careers at any age. At 16 or 18 you (when you are about to choose your career for the first time ever) you have little or no experience, and you don't know what you're getting yourself into. It's like choosing your meal from a menu at a fancy restaurant - you can peek into other people's tables to see what they have ordered. Their dishes can look awesome but until you try it for yourself you can never know if it's something you'll enjoy or not.
    2. You can switch careers despite the investment you've made so far. Getting an education and experience in one field takes time. Sometimes a lot of it.

    You can't build a career without this investment - that's pretty obvious. But does it mean you should stick to one career forever (one that you don't enjoy) just because you have made an investment? Of course not.
    Let's go back to our restaurant analogy. You won't eat the meal unless you order it, ie. commit to payment at the end of your visit. Now, should you torture yourself by eating this disgusting dish (clean out the entire plate) just because you paid for it? No. Buy another one or buy a loaf of bread instead and forget about the dish you didn't enjoy.
    3. The world changes and jobs with it. Go beyond the standard list of professions - think of or, better yet, invent new jobs.
    When I was a kid the question my parents asked me (and other parents asked their kids too) was:

    “Who do you want to be when you grow up?”

    They would give us examples of professions. “Would you rather be a doctor, or a lawyer, a policeman, a bus driver, a pilot, a fireman, an athlete?”

    The list could be quite long.

    Then we went to school. We talked more about different professions. Our parents came one day to school and told us what they do for living. We discovered what else can we do when we grow up. We can be a teacher, an astronaut, a scientist, a paleontologist, an archeologist, a politician, etc.
    There is no magic age, and you are never stuck in the career you chose. Follow your interests, develop your talents and skills and a career will follow. If you make the wrong decision, you can change it. Explore, Explore, Explore...there are more types of careers out there than you can ever imagine. With that said, if you know at 16 or 18, what you want to pursue as a career, go for it.

  5. Choosing a profession - it is a very important step in our lives. Usually Ukraine children studying in the eleventh grade decide that they will have a future profession and which unversyteti will learn.It is very difficult to make the right choice in 16-17 years, as in the years of rapidly changing interests of teenagers because they often choose not dren direction that would. In my opinion the best age for such an important decision is 25 years. Then people are well aware of what it can and wants to do. Of course, you can change the profession, but it is better to think well, to then no problem.

  6. I think thet people can start to chose the profession is in small ages . Beacos i can learn lessons of future profesion and can do this work good


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