My dear school leavers!

School is supposed to be the time of your life! Can you share some of your ideas about this time? Some funny moments that you'll definitely remember in future and some comments about our lessons of English!!!


  1. This year is the last year of school days for me, because I'm a school-leaver. It is hard to realise that all this is going to end. But I can say that those days I would never forget.
    School was my first step toward growing up, it's where I was actually faced with adult problems and decisions. However, it was the time for making my first mistakes, such as not doing my homework and getting bad marks, and it was OK. It's also the place where I grew together with my classmates and met the real friends. Spending all days with those people made me happy. Sometimes they were funny, sometimes they annoyed me. Anyway, I'll definitely miss them. But not only these memories I wouldn't forget. Also, the teachers that every day they helped me to make a right choise. They prepared me for what was about to come in the future by making the lessons more interesting and exciting. We were making some projects, showing the "open lessons" to teachers and students from other schools. It gave me the knowledge and taught a lot. And I thank teachers for it. I'm grateful to school for motivate me for a brighter future and change for the better. School is definitely going to be an unforgettable memory and, therefore, an excellent experience.

  2. Thank you for being kind and friendly all this time!I'm sure you'll get to Chicago with the determination you have!

  3. Добрий день. Я вам скіну відгук сюди, бо там треба пароль в гугл акаунт, а я його не помню
    The school means for me much.It is difficult to describe it briefly. It is a huge interval of life which I lived with the friends, that fun and pleasure after and during lessons, especially English lessons. School for me, an integral part of my childhood. And I wil never forget it. This part of my life will always be in my heart. Данилюк Вета

  4. For me school is a boing place. We study variou subjects but our English lessons are usually exiting. Ithink our class are lucky because English teachers are very knowledgeble. They help us to make the grade, lear and advise. I don't have many problems at school but I think that sometimes we have too much homework especially before the independent testing.But still our teachers are steep =)
    N. Onishkevicn

  5. For me, school was like some challenge. But in the tenth and eleventh grade, I have а wonderful people around me.
    I think, a big part of time, I really want to come to school. My visiting history can prove this.
    I can't remember the most funniest moments, because our class has it everyday.
    I have a little advice for the school.
    You need change attitude to the students, and reduce the amount of home works.

  6. I will remember school as a great part of my life and very good time. I am really grateful to my classmates for being so cool and cheerful, to all the teachers for being very kind and giving us as much knowledge as they could.
    It goes without saying that out English lessons were just amazing. Most of all I liked BBC videos and Ted Talks. Our teacher did her best to make lessons very interesting and informative.
    We had so much fun, not only at English but in school at all so spending days there were never boring. I know that it was some kind of relax in comparing with studying in university and even future life and I appreciate this time.

  7. As for me, school time it is beautiful period in my life. I am school-leaver, and l will miss about school. While 11 years happend many interesting event. First of all, i find many friend, besides many people which were lovely, reasonable and taught many smart things. Secondly, I will never forget woman Masha, which one of its appearance forced us smile, and how much time we spent in the basement, listening to its interesting history.
    In conclusion, i want to say, that my childhood finished, and Best time with my friend Will be remembered and will be associated with at school.

  8. Thank you for the wonderful time spent with wonderful people. The whole learning process is built in a friendly atmosphere that distinguishes the school from the others for the better. Special thanks to the teachers. You support in all of our endeavors, makes us lazy, progress. Huge thanks go to our teacher Elena Nikolaevna Ryabushenko, for the high level of teaching! :)) What is your student: M.Mustafaiev

  9. School 27 - a small, but a whole life story. Even after finishing the training, continue to be interested in news, events and school life. Probably because of the family atmosphere and friendly and easy to communicate. Just do not forget the lessons of the English language. In class it was fun and interesting to thank you for this teacher Elena Nikolaevna.

  10. I couldn't even imagine that 11 years can pass by so quickly. It seems to me that only yesterday I learned letters and numbers. Today I have to make a difficult choice in my life. School days will remain in my memory forever. It wasn't always good but there were much more happy moments that disappointing ones. At school I found real friends. I learned to treat educational process seriously. It is very sad to say goodbye to school but, I think it is one more step to continue making new friends, to discover and learn something new and to look for new adventures and entertainment that will make my life more interesting.


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