... the Jewel of Ukraine!!!

There are many places in Ukraine that you can visit - some of them remind you of our controversial history, some fill your soul with joy of our achievement. What place do you think deserve to be called the jewel of Ukraine, describe this place and give reasons to prove your opinion.


  1. Марина Радченко★


    Carpathian Mountains are considered to be the Green Pearl of Ukraine. It is one of the most popular resorts and tourist centers of the country. A beautiful mix of natural areas, forests, meadows, shepherds and humans living in harmony with nature is what makes the mountains so attractive to tourists! An original nature of territory, beauty of its Alpine meadows and woods, rough rivers and mountain lakes, soft climate, curative mineral sources, the historical and architectural monuments can attract everyone to themselves. Thousands of tourists and people who like travels and adventures come here. The Ukrainian Carpathians are relatively gentle peaks that rise as high as 2061 m (Hoverla). The largest resorts are located in Slavsko, Bukovel, Tysovets, and Dragobrat. Some of the smaller resorts are in Krasiya, Dolyna, Beskid, Polyana, Synevir, Yaremche, Verkhovnya, Kosiv, and Yavoriv. The region is rich in culture, activity and history. It is ideal for summer holidays walking, riding, mountain climbing, exploring.
    Visit the Carpathian Mountains and have the best holidays you ever had!!!

  2. M4tth3w Shcherback///////
    Ukraine is not a very rich country in monetary terms, but it has a lot of jewels. One of the largest diamonds on this list is Kyiv. Kyiv is a capitel of Ukraine but it is perceived not only as the capital of Ukraine, but also as a symbol of the continuity of historical traditions, the center of the national spiritual culture. Particularly attractive is our capital in the spring when chestnuts begin to bloom. The color of the tree became a source for the modern emblem of the city. Kyiv is named by the people as the heart of Ukraine, because it is the center of state power, a scientific and cultural center.


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