Let's celebrate Easter together!!!

Again comes the time of the year for your favorite holiday - Easter or it is not? D o you like to celebrate this holiday? If yes say why - if not explain why not, share your ways of celebration...


  1. Yeah,I am waiting to celebrate Easter with all my soul.My family have a tradition to celebrate Easter with my grannies and other relatives at the village.But the most interesting moments it is preparation: baking Pashas,painting eggs and going to the church.I really like this holiday cause it gather all families around one table.When in the air we smell coming Easter - all of us became like new people (its how feniks do)So....Keep calm and Bake pasha ������⛪❤

  2. Easter is a great holiday for all of us. My family is well prepared. Cleaning house , bake the cakes and draw Easter eggs. Then consecrate these gifts. In the morning we go to Church. These days greet with the words "Christ is risen".Then the next day we come to our family and we are all happy family celebrating this great holiday.

  3. Easter ia the most important holiday of year . On that day the religious people go to church and listen to the service . Usually they bring with them baskets with food Easter cakes , butter , cheese , and of course paited eggs . The priest in the church consecrated all the food , many people believe that the easter eggs posses magic power and can protect from evil. In the morning after the end of the service , the people greet each other with the words '' Christ has resurrected !'' and return home for breakfast .
    And now I am going to tell you how my family and I celebrated this wonderful holiday.For starters, I helped my mom make the Easter cake and the grandmother to clean the apartment.Then we rested. We also went to visit our relatives and friends and went for a walk.Frankly speaking the rest of the time we slept and enjoyed the weekend.
    That's interesting as I spent Easter weekend.


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