Write a letter to the editor expressing your opinion about some issues


  1. Artem Laichuk 8-V///Hello, the editors of my favorite magazine. Today I want to talk to you on the subject of junk food.
    In today's fast-moving world,people have less and less time to spend eating, let alone cooking. It is probably for this reason that junk food has become so popular.
    “Fast” or “junk” food are hamburgers, chips and so on. Such food is very popular, especially with children and teenagers. Unfortunately, very often unhealthy food is very tasty, so, we are tempted to buy it again and again.
    Personally, I also like hamburgers, cheeseburgers. crackers and Cola. As for me it is so yummy.
    But experts say that fast food makes people overweight and even obese and elevates the risk of diabetes and cancer. It is true horrors. If your food includes hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, pizzas and fizzy drinks like, Pepsi, Sprite and others, you are facing a serious problem whis your health. These scientists say like my mother)
    And that's what I'll tell you. We should think more about our health. We should try to avoid fast food and eat more fruit and vegetables. So let’s remember about our health and make the right choice.

  2. Matthew Shcherback________________________________________________________
    We have a big problem with news. Many news is not true! A lot of news about strang mystical things is not true. Journalists says the false News. For example Chupacabra is nor real. Bigfoot and othe trang things is FALSE! We need to check our news in internet, but in internet more bad information that in TV. News must be correct!
    Maybe you ask, who needs such news? If this news receives a high-yield investment program people who work with whis news take money.Money,money,money.People can do a lot of bad thingsto take money.


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