Travelling in the other country: safety tips and measures


  1. When you are travelling in the other country: safety tips and measures
    Suggestions include:
    1.Try not to travel at night.
    2.Avoid 'seedier' areas of the cities you visit, especially at night.
    3.Keep a photocopy of your passport and all other important documents in a safe place.
    4.Avoid incidents such as fights, riots or civil disturbances at all times.
    5.Avoid changing money at airports, as thieves could be watching you.
    6.Never carry more cash than required. Try to make maximum use of your credit and debit cards.
    7.Do not become a target for thieves by wearing attention seeking jewelry. Keep all gold and other precious jewelry at home and wear something light and artificial.
    8.You should have sufficient information about the place you are planning to visit, like its laws and customs. If you are not fully aware of these things you might unnecessarily get into trouble.
    9.To avoid unwanted attention, dress like a local. Tourists always stand out from the local populace and thieves take advantage of this.
    10.Keep the medication in its original packaging when travelling through customs. You should also have proof that you need the medication (a prescription with the name and address of the dispensing pharmacy, drug name and dosage, D.I.N. (Drug Identification Number) and perhaps a note of explanation from your doctor).

  2. When you traveling in over countries you must remember:
    1.Don’t just fall asleep with your suitcase parked next to you! Either lie on top of your bag or use it as a pillow so that you will notice when someone touches or removes it. Wearing your backpack the wrong way around and hugging it also works, as long as zippers can’t be opened easily and quietly from the front. Also be careful when sleeping in night trains, as thefts on these are no uncommon occurence.
    2.When you arrive at the airport in a foreign country, don’t just accept a ride from the next best person claiming to be a taxi driver. It’s best to research official and reputable cab companies before your departure, and perhaps even pre-book a ride to your hostel or hotel. Once you’ve settled in, you’ll quickly figure out which means of transport to use and which not to use, but making that small mistake right at the beginning of your journey could ruin the trip before it even began.If you’re travelling with valuables such as laptops or expensive camera equipment, sometimes it is worth insuring these things before you leave. Definitely compare prices and insurance rates in advance to check how much the maximum refund would be, and if it would be something worth investing in.
    3.If you’re travelling with valuables such as laptops or expensive camera equipment, sometimes it is worth insuring these things before you leave. Definitely compare prices and insurance rates in advance to check how much the maximum refund would be, and if it would be something worth investing in.
    3.If you’re travelling with valuables such as laptops or expensive camera equipment, sometimes it is worth insuring these things before you leave. Definitely compare prices and insurance rates in advance to check how much the maximum refund would be, and if it would be something worth investing in.
    4.Before you leave home, double check that your medication is legal in the countries you’re travelling to – sometimes it is not. If you’re on unusual medication, also bring a note from your docter certifying that you’re meant to be taking that medication. That way, you won’t have problems getting your hands on a new stash in case your old one gets lost or stolen. Also consider taking along an extra pair of glasses and/or contact lenses.

  3. I want to give some advice for travelers.Оf course, these rules are very simple:
    1.Avoid long lines at the restrooms of the airport.
    2.In order to avoid many of the problems associated with lost documents, try to take a picture or scan important documents. Otherwise, at customs you will have nothing to offer but your honest word. And it's customs is just not necessary.
    3.Keep documents and money with him.
    4.Souvenirs and gifts to choose from, and not in the last day. If you delay, you will not be able to pick up a normal gift, plus you will have to pay sometimes.
    5.Do not change money at the airport, it is best to use a credit card, in which the function is activated transaction abroad.
    6.Most painful ears when landing.To ears it is possible to chew.
    7.Often to the airport runs an ordinary city bus, the existence of which few people know. Google maps can help you find the bus.
    8.Pack charger, headphones and various cords in a sunglasses case.
    9.Get ready for the journey, learn the language of the country where you are going.

  4. Of course all people like to travel. But not all do it correctly. Here are some tips:
    1. must first select a country and city that you want to visit
    2 flights in advance to see what takes you there
    3. resolve the issue of where you live
    4. If you travel abroad do not forget about visa
    5. The public transport or car rental
    6. Mobile applications (navigators ......)
    7. proper packing suitcases
    8. certainly as much money .....
    That's all you have to predict duties. Good trip!

  5. ARTEM LAICHUK 8V ///There are simple safety rules before the trip and during the trip .
    When you are traveling abroad, make note of the number of the Consulate in the country you are going to visit .
    When you receive your Luggage, check your bags.
    Also, write down the phone numbers of police, ambulance, firefighters.
    Don't forget to bring copies of documents: passport, visa, tickets, insurance.
    Copies of the documents you can carry with you and the originals can be stored in the hotel safe.
    Do not walk alone .
    Try to pay in stores by credit cards .
    Don't carry a lot of cash and expensive jewellery.
    If you are going to visit the amazing country , maybe you need to make vaccination.
    Respect the traditions and norms of the place where you are.

  6. By MAtvii Shcherback...
    If you want to travel to other country you need to make some things.
    You need to prepare to travel.
    You need to have Navigator or freands in this country.
    Take money in dollars or change currency in that currence what used in this country.
    And get Visa to this country if it need.
    Book you hotel beforehand.
    Be qiute with other peoples becouse they can take umbrage=)
    Learn tradithionals of whis country.
    If you stick to these rules then you will have no problems.

  7. The advantages and disadvantages of travelling.
    First advantage of travelling is visiting interesting places and meeting new people. It is connected with getting to know other cultures and traditions which is surely valuable. Secondly, it is usually said that journeys educate, so whilst travelling as well as exploration we can make our knowledge wider. Also we become more experienced and ready to cope with surrounding world if we learn something while being in journey. Furthermore, travelling is the best solution for those of us who suffer from boredom or want to get away from ?grey reality? and experience great adventure. Journeys give to people a little fun and also make dreams come true.
    On the other hand, journeys has some crucial disadvantages. Firstly, costs of travelling are often quiet high for example travelling by plane, so naturally not everyone can afford. What is more, journeys especially foreign ones expose us to danger of disease or even death. Travelling can lead to fall ill and maybe then to expensive treatment or in case of fatal accident like for instance car and aerial one to death of many people. The next disadvantage is fatigue that occur while travelling. Most journeys last very long and it can make us feel tired.
    To sum up, travelling is a very good way of spending time. It can educate, give impressions, nice memories and let make friends. However, in my opinion travelling in spite of its whole advantages, it should not be the only way to learn about the world.

  8. During the hike. It is advisable for all tourists stick to the basic rules of conduct in the campaign:

    1. During a campaign, try to stick to the trails and do not go with it. Then you will never get lost.
    2. Before you arrange Camp sure to read the local rules of open fire dilution. In many places open flame is prohibited by local regulations.
    3. Try not to disturb the environment with loud shouts and music.
    4. Always take care about the environment. Be careful not to harm the flora and fauna. Be sure to take with them all their waste. And in that case, if you find someone else's waste, then manifest their culture and take them with you. Organic materials, but easily decomposed, they should be disposed of or withdrawn from the other. It is not necessary that the animals feed on waste.
    5. If you use a detergent, try this procedure done at a distance of not less than a hundred meters from a water source.
    6. Going to the toilet is desirable at a considerable distance from the road and possible water sources. For this purpose, it would be best if you dig a small pit, which then need to go to sleep. To burn the used toilet paper use any fuel.
    7. If you have taken with him to campaign a dog, be sure to learn about the local rules of animal welfare. Try to keep it all the time on a leash. Local regulations sometimes require this.
    8. Check your local laws against fishing and hunting. In most cases, these events must have permission from the local authorities.
    9. If the route you find the damaged information signs, be sure to make a note of their exact location and notify the relevant authorities. The lack of such marks may create difficulties for other tourist groups.

    First aid. An integral part of the tourist equipment during the campaign is to have a first aid kit. The complete first aid kit should include a set of tools and medicines for emergency care. This will include gauze pads, bandages, antibiotic cream. It also includes a variety of hand sanitizers, painkillers and individual drugs. The contents of first aid kits must comply with the peculiarities of weather conditions, terrain and different features of the region, where bude take your itinerary.

    Here some rules of travelling:
    - Take half as much stuff as you think you need
    - When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
    -Don't forget to bring copies of documents: passport, visa, tickets.
    -Do not walk alone at night
    -You must be able to communicate at least in English
    -Avoid incidents such as fights, riots
    -Respect the customs of other countries
    Do not wait until later trip!

  10. Маріна Радченко17 листопада 2016 р. о 20:48

    I think everyone likes to travel, because you can see many landmarks and meet new friends. Also it is a good way to explore the world. But you shouldn't do some things to don't trap into uncomfortable situations. So,there are some of them:
    1. Don't talk to strangers
    2. You should know the language
    3. You should always have some money,there are so many souvenir shops
    4. You should have a map,if you'll get lost, it will help you
    5.Don't forget about copies of documents
    6. Be kind to people
    7. Respect traditions of their country
    8. Always keep a photo camera with you,take photos and enjoy your life!
    And remember: Life is a book and those who don't travel ,read only one page

  11. All of us love to travel especially when it comes to travel to foreign countries, but it does not always go smoothly, and so that everything was fine, I suggest you follow the simple rules
    Travel safety
    • Keep your travel plans, including accommodation details, to yourself.
    • Don't hitch hike.
    • Try not to travel at night.
    • Avoid 'seedier' areas of the cities you visit, especially at night.
    • Ask your hotel manager for advice on 'safe' versus 'unsafe' local areas.
    Transport safety
    • At the airport, watch for your suitcase as it appears on the carousel. Don't hang back and wait for the crowds to disperse - you might find that someone else has already taken your bag in the meantime.
    • Avoid changing money at airports, as thieves could be watching you.
    • Consult with your hotel manager or tourist information centre about the public transport in your area. Make sure you know what official taxi cabs look like. A thief may pose as a taxi driver to lure you into their car.
    Hotel safety
    • If possible, choose accommodation that has unmarked 'swipe cards' rather than numbered keys for each room. If you lose your swipe card or if it is stolen, the thief won't know which room to rob.
    • Take note of emergency exits, stairwells, fire escapes and emergency plans, just in case.
    • Always lock your hotel door when retiring for the night. If there is a chain included, use it.
    That's all. Enjoyable holiday.

  12. There are moments in every person's life when he wants to travel,but we should not forget about the hygiene and our health:
    1. If you want to try some fruit or some food first we should wash up and what we will eat
    2.Bring insect repellant & sunscreen – some insects carry diseases such as malaria. Mosquitoes generally bite from dusk to dawn, but some are daytime biters. When outside, try to wear light colored clothing and long pants and sleeves.
    3. Wash your hands as often as possible
    4. You need to drink water
    5.Dress for the weather , for example in the winter you will not get sick
    These are the rules you need to follow.


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