One more task for 11th formers!!!

5 teen favourites/Students write about their favourite  things,such as sport, music, books, films,celebrations, 
customs,etc.the final product will be made of 5 short stories. Leave your stories in comments or send them to my page in social nets.


  1. Hello ,
    How are you ? I hope you're right!
    Actually, I'm not very energetic person and not engaged in sports, but if I could, it would engage in some martial arts. I think this is very interesting and you will be able to defend themselves. The main reason why I like it, it's because I love film in the genre of action movies.
    I love listening to music. I'm hearing about all genres, but the more I like symphonic metal. It's very interesting music, which sings in most women. I also love Two steps from hell. This is one of the most successful companies in the music production for films. Also I can advise very cool group Skillet. My favorite song Jetta - I'd Love to Change the World. I advise you to listen to all)))
    I love to read. This is my hobby. Every free minute I spend on reading some books. I love Fantasy genre. My favorite situation of the people of our world fall into magic. Also, everything connected with magical academies and other races. For example, werewolves, wizards, goblins, dragons and others.
    I think all like something to watch. I enjoy different genres and films from different countries. Most fiction or action movies. A bit like a comedy. I like to watch movies studios Marvel and DC Comics. My favorite films "Suicide squad" and "Iron Man."
    In our country there are many fun and exciting events. But I do not love them now. Of course, I love to receive gifts for the New Year, and taste delicious food at Easter, but the holidays I do not like. Why? I do not know. Perhaps because increased.
    In our family for every birthday we give gifts, his family cook festive dinner for New Year and Christmas. Every year at Easter we are going the whole family and go into the woods for a picnic.
    I hope I was able to tell a little about their preferences.
    Yours, Anastasia.

  2. As a child, I tried all mugs and sections that were in my town. First, I have my mother and father were sent to dance school. I liked to dance. My team toured Ukraine, we always won first place! But when I went to high school I did not have time to dance - I studied. So after weighing the pros and cons I threw the dancing. Then I decided to learn to draw, because I drew well, so went to increase their skills. In art school I went was because I got tired of paint. When I first went with my father in the movie so I like that this time I'm a fan of the movie. I can watch different films of different genres all day. Most Liked lesson for me is going to the сinema. My passion for books and began with the cinema. When I saw the film and found that there is a book, I immediately began to read it. Now I can not easily pass through store books.

  3. In the world there are different interests. I want to tell you about my interests. Оne of my hobbies is traveling. Тraveling with friends are memorable for me always. For example, last city, which we visited was Lviv. I and 2 my best friend walked in old town , enjoyed aromatic coffee and natural chocolate.
    Besides , i like make cinema. I`m write scenario and with my friends we are makes short cinema , but i belive , that our level get better.
    Also, i like painting. often I`m drawing sketches for tattoos. Some of my pictures are already on the bodies of people, some of whom are graduates of our school.
    Besides, i like my job. I made designer accessories and sell them. I do it , because a like handmade and i earn money on this.
    Also i like singing in karaoke with my friends. This very relaxing for me and gives the charge emotions.
    I have more other hobbies , but it`s other story.

  4. My favourite film which I have seen lately was Titanic.
    It is a foreign film that was produced by a famous director James Cameron. This film tells us about the real tragedy on the British passenger liner Titanic. It was supposed to be unsinkable but struck an iceberg and sank on its first voyage in 1912.While watching the film I was mostly impressed by the playing of actors. A young actor Leo Dicaprio and a beautiful actress Kate Winslet played the leading parts. This film achieved a world wide fame. It won 11 Oscars .

    I like football .
    Football is my favorite sport in the world because it can
    entertain you , and everyone can play it.I think football is
    the best sport ever invented.
    But yet I play football only in gym class, but not always. In childhood, I wanted to play football professionally, but when I grew up I realized that football is a great game for the boys.

    "Me before you" - one of those books, after which you have a double sense: I want to definitely change something in your life, to live a full life, to enjoy every moment and at the same time I want to hide in a corner and cry, cry, cry until the soul becomes easier. Throughout the novel you are so infused into the lives of the characters, their feelings and joy and become yours. I read a lot of books, many of them impressed me, some were just interesting to read, but the book left a special mark in my life and in mind that at the end of the book I choked thoughts: How can I go on living? I thought that I had lost a very close person, whose loss - caused me great pain, until she realized that it's just a book. After reading this book, you do not want to read any other book, because, you know, that she'll be disappointed, and do not give the same vivid emotion, or may quite the opposite, simply do not want to experience it all again.
    My advice to those people who do not have a favorite book, and I want to recommend this book and I'm sure that will become your favorite

  5. Everyone has their hobbies and interests like something more and something less. With age usually interests change but not all. For example I like to do every day something new, to develop ourselves, not to stand in one place and to go forward. Early in my childhood I studied dance but I quit and I regret it so in the future I would like to start all over again. Besides dancing I like extreme sport such as parachute jump, skating and climbing the mountains. I also like traveling around the world to know culture and language of not only his country but other countries. I hope when I become adult I will make my dreams come to life. And now in my spare time I like to spend time with my family ,going to the cinema, to learn english language ,listen to music and go out with friends

  6. Hello ! Today I want to talk about the things I love most in my life. Although I love my life, but there are 5 things without which I can not imagine.
    The first is music. I love to listen to music when I have a bad mood or a good. It is also a good way to have fun with friends. I like to listen to different songs as rap and fast music.
    The second thing is the sport. I like different sports, but the favorite is volleyball. I also love doing different exercises or engage in fitness. I think it improves the physical condition and health.
    The third thing is reading books. I love reading psychological books, as they are taught how to behave in difficult situations. When the raining outside, I most like to lie under a blanket and read my favorite book.
    The fourth is watching movies. My favorite genre is melodrama. I like watch movies, but unfortunately I do not have time for it. Although when the initial find free time, then I can see a new movie. Watch a movie with friends or parents - a great pastime.
    The fifth thing without which I can not imagine my life is walking in the fresh air. I often walk outdoors, go into the woods or leaving the country. Nature always calm and nothing disturbs.

  7. Our favorite things are something which we associate with ourselves. It is what we do best and what we love. And everyone has their own interests and hobbies.
    Sport. My favorite kind of sport - snowboarding. I really like to do this. Unfortunaly, this sport is available to me only in the winter,so in the summer I just watch the video of snowboarders and choose which tricks I want to learn. This is a very hard sport, so do not do this if you are afraid to fall and feel hurts because of it,or get a bruise.Also spend time in the mountains is good for health.I also obsessed with the auto- and motorsport.I like it from childhood.
    Music. I really love music and listen it a lot. To choose a favorite singer or band is very difficult for me.I love acoustic versions of the songs, because they are very emotional.
    TV-show. My favorite tv-show is “Keeping up with the Kardashians”.It is about their big family,theirs lifes.And their lives are made up of the best parties and fashion shows, reports from the red carpet, family scandals, love, extravagant outfits.
    Film.I watched a lot of films in different genres.So,to choose one is very hard to.But I have film which I very like and recommend to everybody.It is “The Bucket List”. It is legendary film. Intellectual, but at the same time funny and witty. Magnificent views, exciting race on expensive cars, elegant apartment - it's all in one picture. The film reveals the relationships between totally different people, which united by the disease. A film about friendship, love, money, marriage, faith, kindness, business, wisdom, dream, drive, energy, family ... Everything.
    Book.I love Lorena’s Weisberger book "The Devil Wears Prada".This book tells about Andrea Saks, her hard work and the pursuit of a dream.
    So,I hope you liked my short list of favorites.
    -Irene Lukianova

  8. I hope you will be interested to hear about my favorite things. Dancing sport for me since childhood, I am used to load 4-5 hours in dancing club.No it's worth, a lot of speaking competitions, festivalyah.Sometimes, I need to show my emotions in the good or bad nastroenie.My favorite book "There is life after death," when I read this book, so I felt every word that long remembered.I'm actually a music lover, I love all kinds of music, more inclined to foreign, listen to songs more in the mood when sadness, something calm when a good mood, then something cheerful. My favorite film 1 + 1 "The Untouchables," I saw a real friendship, real people, the desire to live even after the paralyzed half of the body, many people are no longer fighting for their place under the sun, but only by people who are willing to tolerate and love us.This is happiness in life.
    I hope you liked my list of favorities thiks:)
    -Kate Ledneva

  9. I want to tell you about my 5 favorite things
    I love music and listen to it constantly. When I am on my way to school or home,when i need to relax after hard day or i just wanna have fun.I love all genres but I prefer indie pop
    I also love to read books that is my favorite pastime. they help me develop as a person and affect many of the decisions that I make
    My third favorite thing is my friends.I am really thankful that ive got them and i just cant imagine my life without them
    Im really obsessed with youtube i love watching videos bc i find them veru useful and interesting.My favorite youtubers are alisha marie,mylifeaseva and connor franta
    I absolutely love travelling.Discovering new culture and traditions is exating
    Shymchuk Nastia


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