No matter how much you've travelled you always come back home!


  1. The pros and cons of travel.
    The advantages of traveling by plane.
    In just a few hours you can cross thousands of kilometers and be in the right place. This is especially useful when a limited time.
    The passenger during the flight are provided with food, drinks. Besides, it offers various ways to pass the time, for example, to watch a movie, read the press or read a magazine.
    During the flight, the passenger feels comfortable, provided with comfortable seats that allow you to relax and even sleep.
    Disadvantages of air travel
    Very impressive view from the window, beautiful scenery, located at the bottom or the white clouds that envelop the plane.
    Perhaps the main drawback is the high cost of tickets, which is several times above the price of the train ticket.
    Sometimes much time is needed to pass or to Luggage, there are cases when things were sent on another flight.
    Some people may experience different issues — motion sickness, nervous excitement and other.
    Despite the high comfort level of the seats, still is quite problematic to sit a few hours in one position.
    Planes are weather-sensitive transport, for example, in storm or nebula high flights usually are cancelled.
    To travel to other countries is good and interesting. You can see interesting sights and historical places to make new friends, you also need to know foreign languages to communicate with other people.But you will not be able to communicate with relatives if you are traveling without parents.But it is certainly in your country and in your town because you know your area where you live and all around you are familiar with since childhood.

  2. Оf course you need to travel, because when we travel we learn the world ,the customs of countries ,how people live where there is no us.Вut traveling has pros and cons.The cons is that we long to see our family,really miss them.The country in which we would like to go can be far away from us and this is another minus of travelling and to travel we need to have a lot of money.Sometimes much time is needed to pass or to Luggage, there are cases when things were sent on another flight.But travel has many pros. We can see interesting sights and historical places, and make new friends, we also need to know foreign languages to communicate with other people,because to have friends in other countries very well.Аnd there is another plus is that when we fly by plane or go by train we can see the different woods or the mountains.Why we still need to return home if travel to us so well?I don't know.Every person just wants to go home.probably because there we were born and grew.And yet in the house our parents always waiting for us.

  3. Many people like to travel. Some tourists like to travel to distant lands, others enjoy the scenery of native country. Someone likes hiking and other like passive tourism. Travelling is a source of positive, good mood, great experience. However, when we're traveling,we often miss for relatives, friends and family.The peoples say East or West – home is best.

  4. Анастасія Золотова19 жовтня 2016 р. о 19:42

    Anyone visiting this site should be aware of this. But just because I love it doesn’t mean I’m not aware of its faults. As with many other things in life, there are both pros and cons to travel ups and downs.I get some of the cons thrown at me every now and then from people who don’t understand my desire to see the world.So I decided to take a look at both the good AND bad about travel, so that maybe next time I’ll have a solid argument for all the skeptics.
    Travel is a learning experience. Seeing other parts of the world and immersing yourself in foreign cultures opens up completely new avenues of discovery. Travel in itself can be educational, and can open your eyes in ways you never thought possible. Through travel, you can become more aware – both of yourself, and the larger world around you. A traveler has the unique ability to be a citizen of not only his/her own country, but also of the world.
    Opportunity for adventure and spontaneity. Travel can open up so many doors and provide for so many adventures, both planned and spontaneous. If you’re in the mood to make a lasting memory, get out and see the world. Let life happen, both to you and around you, and just go with it.
    Maybe your sister gets engaged, or has a baby. Maybe grandma dies. Maybe a close friend gets diagnosed with cancer. You’d love to be there for all of these important milestones and tragedies; you want to be able to offer your love and support in person, and not through a computer screen or telephone signal. But, it’s likely to happen if you’re traveling for any length of time. Life at home will go on without you, and it’s one thing you just to come to terms with.
    The addictiveness of travel. They don’t call it the “travel bug” for nothing. Once it bites, it can infect you with an insatiable desire to travel that never goes away. Once is often never enough, as evidenced by the scores of travelers out there who are on the road indefinitely. Especially if you’re prone to becoming addicted to things that give you a good high, don’t expect one trip to ever be the end of it. This can easily turn into an incurable sense of restlessness that no amount of movement can satisfy.
    As you see, the travel have pros and cons, but then you travel you always come back home.

  5. Firstly, I think trip it’s a good rest from daily routines, also from travelling we can learn a lot about a country to which we go. So it is useful for your knowledge. When we travel, a lot of time we spent with family and friends. We can travel at any time of the year and this could be interesting each time differently. But for most people home is the best place in world and doesn’t matter how you like a new place in you’re soul you always want to be at home. With you’re home you have many memories and its unforgettable.

  6. Travelling is very popular nowadays. A lot of people travel to different countries. Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. Personally I think that travelling is very cool because it is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms. And to my mind people who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. Thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. They motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. Any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home. As English people say –The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes. And I totally agree with them.
    Travel is, of course, very good but we can”t forget our native place. A place where you were born, where your parents live, the place to which you have tied most good memories of your childhood, adolescence. A place where not only the walls, but the floor, doors and windows-all help you. And this place it is of course our native home. HOME,our sweet home. For me my home it is my nest, my cave, my comfort zone for heart and soul, my safe haven. Home is where I come back to after an outing, and it awaits me with my worn slippers, my comfy recliner and my happy pets. Home is where I know every nook and cranny, every creak and groan, every smell and every patch of light and shadow.
    So do not forget your own home, because your home is a piece of you. And no matter what country you will be never forget your country, your city and your own home.

  7. Travelling is a very popular nowadays. There are so many traveling agencys and they proposing a lot of different countries to travel.
    One wise man said: "The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page". So,we need to travel because we can learn a lot of costumes and traditions about other countries. And it's very useful,because we can relax of our routine and take some knowledges in studying other lunguages.
    And no matter where we are,we always returne to our home. Because we miss our house,our friends,our relatives. "Home,sweet home"-we say, when we come home after long travel. Because man's home - it's his castle.
    No wonder that people say "East or West - home is best"

  8. Since childhood, I wanted to go somewhere far from home. And one day my dream came true. I stayed in another city over a month. The first weeks I was thinking that I would not miss their families, by room, house ...
    Travel - cool. You are expanding your horizons, learn about different parts of the world, translates breath at rest. You vidkryvayeshsya the new.
    But your mother will be home to remind myself. You will be sad, and gradually realize that long for everybody and want to return.

  9. There are many moments in every persons life when he wanrs to travel.Everyone understed travelling in his own way . Some people prefer walking tours and tourism. There are also people who are found of moutntain climbing . Тhere are times when you have to go home but nobody wants . Because people want to stay at least for a few days to learn more about a place .There is a Ukrainian folk wisdom "In guests is good ,but at home is best"


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