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  1. I'd like to go to Poland
    Poland is a country in Central Europe, is a unitary parliamentary Republic, which is composed of 16 voivodships
    Poland borders with seven countries: to the North-East it borders with Russia and Lithuania in the East — with Belarus and Ukraine, on the South with Czech Republic and Slovakia, in the West — with Germany.In the North Poland is washed by Baltic sea. The capital of Poland is Warsaw.The population of Poland is around 38 million people.Polish people have long been painstaking relates to the traditions and maintained the practices.In Poland almost all the customs are closely linked with religion
    If you can about any kitchen to say that it warms the soul, then this is definitely the Polish kitchen. Eggs, sour cream, cabbage, mushrooms and meat – lots of meat! is what determines Polish cuisine, making it a wholesome, uplifting and empowering
    I really like Poland


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