
Показано дописи з вересень, 2016

Customs and traditions of Ukrainian people...

We live in the country rich on customs and tradiitons. Some of them we follow, some not, but as real citizents we have to know all of them. So what Ukrainian customs and tradiitons do you know and which of them do you follow?

Healthy eating - healthy living!!!

How often do you pay attention to what you eat? Do you read to some newspaper articles about healthy nutrition and other healthy habits? What is a healthy nutrition for you? Describe what you usually eat and drink during the day:

New devices that make people's lives easier...

There are many disabled people in the world. Some of them hide from the others and live solidary life, but somebody's life doesn't differ from usual people. Do you know any devices that make life of handicapped easier? Describe them and say why they are good.

Buying on credit!!!

There are many people who live their whole on credit. They buy houses, cars, clothes and other things cause they are sure in their future. What do you think about buying on credit? Have you or your family bought something and how did you pay it off?

The school of my dream!!

Many students want to change something in their schools and schedules, now you have such chance, what would you like to change and why? Create your perfect school!!!

I'm a sixth former now!!!

What do you expect to have in the 6th form? Write your ideas, any you have!

Advice on clothes!!!

Dear students, in comments write a personal letter to you friend telling him\her what clothes to buy for summer. What things are better and worse and why!!!

Catastrophe - retell the story and mention the caracters!!!

Is the story about this or something else?

Let's have a mind trip to...

Where would you like to go?

this is how it works with blog and padlet!!!

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