Welcome to grand opening of our Summer Camp TALENTS' EXPLORERS!

We have been waiting for this for so long!!! 
And now I'm glad to tell you that on Monday 30th May at 9 a.m. at school # 27 we open our camp! 
Students of 7th grades are welcome!!!
 We will have a lot of fun!!!


  1. A diver for golf balls
    Usually golf occupies an important and wealthy people. Hardly they will climb into the stream or lake to have pleased for the ball. Why do they wet their precious arms and legs, if there is a specially trained staff? Divers for golf balls are not only helping the rich Mazilu, but also work part time sales of used instruments for this game. Each raised from the bottom of the ball is estimated at 6 cents, and the revenue from the sale of accessories can be up to 100 thousand dollars!
    Dressing guide
    On the streets of Chinese cities can now meet fellow who for a fee of 4 cents willing to tell anyone who wants to, where is the nearest public restroom. In their work books and reads: "A civil servant - a dressing guide!".


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