
Показано дописи з жовтень, 2017

Attention Everyone!!! A great contest with a great price!!!

Here are the details of this competition,  go down the link,  try your luck:  Чудовий матеріал: http://diem.studway.com.ua/d/konkurs-ese-angliyskoyu-movoyu/

Ted talk for 9th formers, enjoy the video

You have to watch the following video and retell the content,  you can add your ideas about the jobs in future https://www.ted.com/talks/david_lee_why_jobs_of_the_future_won_t_feel_like_work/up-next

... the Jewel of Ukraine!!!

There are many places in Ukraine that you can visit - some of them remind you of our controversial history, some fill your soul with joy of our achievement. What place do you think deserve to be called the jewel of Ukraine, describe this place and give reasons to prove your opinion.