
Показано дописи з квітень, 2017

Topics for discussion - 11th graders.

Get ready to discuss the following issues: 1. The choice of future profession: who should do it. 2.Paper money vs. cards - what will survive in future. 3. Global problems and Ukraine: how an average Ukrainian can help? 4. What can help to unite the country. 5. Are there any changes needed to Ukrainian education? 6. Being successful: tips from a school leaver.

Get ready for speaking - 8th graders!!!

Here are the topics you'll have to cover: 1. Pedal away: travelling using your bike - where can you go and what can you see? 2. What are the differences between a package tour and backpacking holiday? 3. Gadgets and their influence on modern loving/ 4. Hi-tech dining: +/- 5. We're only humans: things people believe in and don't. 6. Twin mind think alike.

Stop corruption!!!


Let's celebrate Easter together!!!

Again comes the time of the year for your favorite holiday - Easter or it is not? D o you like to celebrate this holiday? If yes say why - if not explain why not, share your ways of celebration...

we start our work with the immense source of information - learnenglish. britishcouncil. org

There are many Sources for listening, but I think this is the best on - learnenglish.britishcouncil.org

Write an email responding to one of job offers below!!!

There are many professions,  but you have to choose between indoor activity and outdoor!